rain talks

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YOU HAD HISTORY CLASS TOGETHER sophomore year. him and his best buddy steve randle sat beside you and you would often help them with the assignments. steve was like an older brother with his overprotectiveness and snarky comments. soda on the other hand, you admired safely from afar. sure you would talk but, you were always too nervous to even drift from the topics of casual conversation.

you remember the day steve told you that soda had dropped out. your heart sank at the words and you were in a sulk for weeks after. no more sneaking glances at him, or hearing his sweet laugh.

it was winter again. the air was crisp and the breeze was harsh as the movie house let out. they had showed some new romance film that you had read about in the paper. love was something that you've always yearned for. it was utterly and undeniably beautiful in your eyes.

you cut through the back of the movie house as you picked up your pace and turned down the alley towards your street. you felt your body shiver and you wrapped your sweater around yourself tighter. soon the only sounds echoing through the alley were your shoes hitting the pavement, and the howl of the wind. pop bottles and trash littered the alleyway as you passed the backside of the dingo, laughter streaming out of the slight opening of the door.

you stop abruptly. right in the middle of the pathway ahead of you is a limp body. someone was turned over and groaning so low and ugly, that it sounded as if they were dying.

your heart quickens as you step closer, your nerves going like crazy. it was probably some wino who had too much to drink. but you just had to be sure.


the boy from your history class had been badly beaten. his face, cut up and already bruising. his right eye had been socked in, a dark purple color already forming at the base of his eye socket. he only groaned in response as he held his rib cage.

¨oh soda, who did this to you?¨

you whispered, slowly bringing your hand to his face. his eyes flutter open to reveal his frightened blue eyes as he stared up at you.

¨come on, i got you.¨

you carefully wrap his arms around your neck as you grab on tightly to his waist, pulling him up as he leans his weight onto you. he winces in agony as he breathes heavily in short and quick intervals.

¨it's okay soda. we'll get you to my house. you'll be okay¨

you reassure the both of you as you start to slowly walk down the alley.


"are you feeling okay?¨

you ask, shutting your window as a light rain shower started, the sky growing darker as the thunder clouds rolled in from the distance.

¨i'm sorry- that was such a horrible question to ask. of course you're not okay. you just got beaten up for god's sake.¨

a low chuckle comes from the boy as he watches your from your bed. you walk over and sit next to him, alcohol wipes and bandage wraps in hand.

¨who did this soda?¨ you say softly. you start to wipe his cuts. he hums as you brush over them. a knowing sting, with every swipe.

¨some socs. i was just about to leave the dingo. steve was supposed to walk back with me but he wanted to stay with some girls. i don't even really know what happened y/n.¨

¨well, at least you aren't dead. they really did do some damage though. do your ribs hurt?¨

you question, lightly bringing your hand to his side. he winces at the sudden touch.

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