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I SWING OUR HANDS BACK AND FORTH... as he pays for the tickets. this was pretty unusual for two but i guess he just wants to impress me. he leads me up to the seats and we settle down.

"want anything from the concession stand?"

"a coke would be great." i smile up at him and he smiles back.

"alright, be right back y/n."

i watch him as he makes his way down and disappears into crowds of kids.

the movie hasn't started yet but it was pretty quite. i stare down at my shoes but then get bored and start to play with my nails.

it's been about 5 minutes since two left and i wonder what's taking him so long. i look to my left and find myself making eye contact with some hoods. i quickly turn away hoping they didn't notice me.

too late.

"hey pretty lady, what are you doing all by yourself."

i roll my eyes at the hoods and focus my attention on the previews. the breeze begins to pick up.

"hey i'm talking to you soc."

the leader of pack says, sitting down in two's seat. i look at him and shoot him daggers.

"get away from me, you filthy hood." i spat pushing him away from me.

his friends "ooo" and i find myself getting frustrated and hot.

"look," he says, holding onto my wrist, "just come with us and there'll be no trouble. no trouble at all."

his mouth is inches from my cheek and his breath smells like cigarettes.

i grind my teeth together and smack his face away.

"we already have a problem!" i say, my voice rising causing people to turn around and stare.

the hood stares at me in shock but instead of hitting me back like i thought he would, he ended up saying things that made my face turn pink.

i tired to get them to leave but all that did was make  it worse. i sank lower and lower into my seat.

"what the hell's going on here?"

i hear two's familiar voice call out. my head shoots up and i sigh in relief. two looks pissed as he walks up to leader hood. i knew there was going to be fight. i instantly get up and tug at his jacket.

"come on baby...let's just leave."

i whisper knowing something was going to happen.
he wraps his hand around mine and squeezes it reassuringly.

"listen here, i don't appreciate you harassing my girl. i really don't..."

two steps away from me and steps closer to him. they are practically standing on top of each other.

i watch nervously biting my nails once again. two grabs the guy by his shirt and says something to him i couldn't make out before throwing him down in the chairs we were sitting in.

i breathe in a sigh of relief as we leave. two gives me concerned glances all the way back to his house and i smile weakly each time.

once we get in i throw off my jacket and sink into the couch flipping the channels to find mickey. two comes and stands in front of me.

"make some room y/l/n." a smile escapes my lips at the sound of my last name.

i scoot over and he ends up cuddling with me all night with mickey on low volume. how lucky am i to have this guy? i think to myself before falling asleep in his arms.

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