Chapter 13

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Hobi's POV...(because why not)

I had just arrived in the dance class...and I arrived about 10 minutes early so I had time to just sit and think about stuff. Jungkook was going through a lot right now, but he wasn't telling me anything. I saw how his eye looked a little blue and he told me his father slapped him. But he didn't get into detail why. And to be honest I'm worried about him.

I told my dad what happened and I don't think he'll even do shit about it. Well he knows how Jungkook's dad doesn't want us to be friends because I'm gay. Me being gay doesn't mean I want Jungkook or something. He's my best friend for God's sake.

"Penny for your thoughts?" I looked up to see Yoongi looking at me with a concerned face.

"Uhm no...maybe a dollar for my thoughts would be better" I said laughing.

"Hmm I'm not that rich. But for real, are you okay though? You seem kinda stressed." He said sitting down next to me.

"I'm fine, just a little worried about my friend though" I said sighing.

"Jungkook?" He asked.

"Hmm" I said nodding.

"What's going on?" Yoongi asked.

"I don't know. I'm still gonna find out. But he's stressing me a little" I said.

He placed his hand on my thigh and rubbed it up and down. I sighed biting my lip. The fuck is he doing? Does he even know that I'm gay? Well of course he does. He might just be teasing me.

"Don't worry okay. I'm sure he'll be fine and you will too. But to get things off your mind in the meantime...Would you consider going on a date with me?" Yoongi asked. I widened my eyes and looked at him. Does this fucker know how long I've been waiting for him to say that.

"Uhm...well if you asked. I'm sure I'd say yes" I said blushing while looking down.

"Can we go on a date? Please?" He asked looking at me in the eye not breaking the eye contact.

"Uhh....yeah. I'd love to go on a date with you" I said smiling at him.

"Thank you. Tomorrow, 8pm. Your favorite place." He said winking at me. OOHHH KILL ME NOW MIN YOONGI.

"O-kay...Tomorrow it is then" I said.

"HEY GUYS" jimin cheerfully chimed as he came in. He's such a cute and happy soul I swear. Very easy to adore. I always just wanna pinch his cute cheeks and kiss him all over his face like a little baby.

"Hey Jiminie" I said giving him a hug.

"You two are quite early today. Is it a Yoonseok thing now?" Jimin asked giggling.

"Yoonseok?...what's that?" Yoongi asked.

"It's a mixture of your names silly. Doesn't it sound good?" Jimin asked with a cheeky smile.

"Aren't we supposed to do something like that if we're a couple? Mixing names and stuff?" I asked looking confused.

"This is me showing y'all that I want you to be a couple. GO YOONSEOK!" Jimin shouted jumping up and down like a cheerleader.

"I'm gonna kill this kid" Yoongi said rolling his eyes.

"And I won't stop you" I said supporting Yoongi and jimin gave us a suspicious look.

"Hmmmm...okay let me just do what I came here to do. Which is to dance and mind my own business" Jimin said taking off his jacket and being left only with his tshirt. He ran his hand through his hair while biting his lips.

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