C H A P T E R 2

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"You alright?" Risa asked Annie who walks grudgingly like a zombie.

"I didn't even know you're good at drinking" She added, looking at her friend who now prepares a cereal for breakfast

"Oh please, what happened yesterday will remain yesterday" Annie said, not bothering to look at her friend. She still can't process how her friend's love life seems to be complicated the more she grew up. Well, not that her own love life isn't complicated at all. Plus how can she not drink when she can clearly feel and see from her peripheral vision how Maeve look at her with daggers yesterday.

"Well, somebody's grumpy early in the morning"

"Oh please, tell me something I didn't know. Like if I wasn't aware that you we're friend zoned and that Maeve didn't have a boyfriend, I'd probably think she's head over heels for you" Annie said, now drinking her warm cup of coffee. This made Risa's eyebrow went up

"What you mean?"

"Oh please, She was literally throwing daggers at me yesterday. If looks could kill I'm sure I'm probably dead by now. She was literally jealous of how close we are"

"Please, you're the one who's now exaggerating. She's not jealous, plus we obviously are just talking"

"Yeah right, tell it to the bees"

Before Risa could even reply, the door rang which she finds odd because who the hell rang it early in the morning.

"Isn't it too early for visits?" She asked her friend who didn't even bother to look who's outside and just continued eating her cereal

"Probably just the mailman"

"Ugh! Fine, I'll see it." Risa said and went to open the door.

Outside is a fine looking young man who looks 2 or 3 years older than her. One look from him and she knew the guy was not a mailman.

"Yes?" Risa asked the guy who's looking innocently at her

"Oh, are you Annie's friend?"

"Yes. How may I help you?"

"Oh, can you call her?"

"And why would I do that?"

Risa asked the guy once again. She could call Annie, yes. Calling her friend is easy, she just needs to shout 'hey you bitch come here' and the girl would pop out of nowhere within 3 seconds only to smack her in her head and say 'I told you, stop calling me bitch, bitch' but yeah, Risa refuse to call her friend especially if she doesn't even know the guy. Risa never met him before.

"Uh, I'm her boyfriend?" The guy answered, but it's obvious how it turned out to be more like of a question.

"Yeah right, I'm closing the door" Risa said after looking at the guy up and down suspiciously

"Wait, I'm really her boyfriend" the guy said more clearly, but it's now too late since Risa already close the door

"Who's that?" Annie said, still eating her cereal

"Oh, probably an admirer of yours and a stalker plus a delusional human being"


"He told me he's your boyfriend which is absurd and not true because as far as I know Dariel is your boyfriend. I mean, unless you two broke up or you're cheating on him that's it"

It was a mere statement, but it did made Annie choke on her cereal which made Risa look at her with worry. One thing she regretted that not really regretted is that she looks at her best friend straight in the eye and forget that her friend could literally read her like the back of her palm

"You knew me very well. I don't conclude otherwise stated. So, please, tell me you didn't cheat"

What Risa said made the tears from Annie's eyes escape. She could lie and everything will be fine, lying always makes everything fine. But this is her friend, Risa, she knew very well than to lie to Risa. The girl could be a martyr when it comes to love but she's no fool. She knew when Annie lies to her

"Please, I need words Annie"

"I'm sorry"

"Oh My God! How could you!?"

Annie knew how upset her friend is. After all, cheating was never in her vocabulary. She was so sure that she'll lose another friend today. But fuck it! She's tired of hiding and pretending and she's so tired of everything. All she want is to follow her heart is that too much? So, even if she'll lose another friend today, even if she lose Risa, she won't mind because she's honestly tired of all of it. The sound of her door being closed harshly might have hurt her, but she's too tired to even think about it. She sure did hear footsteps coming towards her though, but she didn't mind it at all.

"Tell me how did it happen. Because I know you and I'm pretty damn sure there's a reason behind all of it"

The sound of Risa's voice made her jump a little, but then it gave her hope. Finally! A friend who's willing to listen to her story.

But will she really?  She had a lot of friends who listened but in the end still turn their backs on her so if Risa is just like one of them, it's better to just shut her mouth and let the silence consume her

"Would you even believe me?"

"You're my friend, of course I'll believe you. Just like how you believed me when I told you I'm into women when you knew very well how much I love to talk about dicks back then"

Annie could not help but let out a chuckle at her friend's statement. She remember how Risa came out to her and speak her truth. She was confused at first, but when the latter cried she knew how much it mattered to her and so she was proud on her friend for being so brave and accept her true self.

"Dariel has always been abusive. But I love him nonetheless that's why I gave him a second chance. He was good first few years of our relationship so I thought maybe he did really change just for me. But then I realize that no he didn't because he only became worse. When we had fights he always puts the blame on me even though it's his fault. He had this manipulative side of him that when he said it's my fault it made me say yes it is my fault. I thought I was happy with him because I love him but then I woke up one morning and realize how I lose my confidence and how I brought my self down"

"Why didn't you break up with him?"

"I did. But then he threatened me with his life. Saying it will be my fault if he died because I'm the one who provoke him by breaking up with him. And that's when I realized that there's no way out and that I'm trapped. Then I met Christian. He was there, listening to everything I said. It was just supposed to be friendship, but then the more I get to know him the more I fell in love with him"

"And so you cheated?"

"Christian gave me the courage to broke up with my asshole ex, but knowing that I fell in love with another guy even though I'm still in a relationship made me a cheater and I won't deny that. But, feelings are complicated and unexpected. Cheating might be a choice, but falling in love isn't. And if someone tells me that I'm going down to hell for I have sinned then so be it because truth is, I never really regretted it"

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