C H A P T E R 1 0

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"Woah dude, you look like shit!" Brian commented after he saw Risa descended the stairs.

"More like a walking shit!" Annie snickered as she placed the pancakes on the table.

"Oh please, tell me something I didn't know" Risa said and took a sit on one of the chairs.

It has been 1 week since the incident and no one dared to talk about it simply because Risa either get agitated or she became silent all of a sudden that it feels like a murder is about to happen.

Risa didn't bother to contact Maeve after the incident, she didn't find any reason to. And it also looks like the latter is still clueless on what happened at her that night or maybe Maeve knew but didn't care. I mean, Greg was there, right? But then again, she doesn't conclude otherwise stated. If Risa can't be an accountant, she can at least apply the rule of an accountant, right?

The three friends just had their another sleep over yesterday. It has been like this for Risa ever since she went to bar. Have sleep overs with her friend at their usual place which is the cafe. The cafe's second floor occupied an entire room like a pension and it is also where Brian stay for a moment.

Since Brian is too busy managing the cafe and has to open and closed on the exact time, the three decided to just hang out there as if its their house. The two even decided to just move in and live with Brian which the latter didn't hesitate to say yes.

Brian and Annie silently looked at their friend, Risa who's peacefully eating her pancakes. The two exchange looks on whether who would asked a question and break the ice. Brian just shook his head, telling Annie silently not to say anything and just let the day pass by without Risa getting so worked up.

"Oh, fuck it! I'm asking her!" Annie mumbled inside her head.

"H-hey, Ris?" Annie asked which earned a "hmmm" from the latter

"I-I know you don't want to talk about what happened at the bar"

Risa was about to raised her voice and said things she's sure she's going to regret but Annie beat her to it.

"B-but I'm really worried, okay. And if you could just tell me what happened to Fion after, I would really appreciate it because I'm really dying to know if he was thrown to jail after making the stranger impotent." Annie mumbled in a rush that the other two almost didn't catch it.

"O-oh" is what Risa answered. She thought her friend wants to talk her into moving on again, but seeing how worried Annie is for Fion make some sense 'cause it's always been the four of them back then, after all.

"U-uhm well, he assured me he's not going to be put in jail" Risa managed to answer Annie's question.

"Oh, yeah! I remembered his dad is the head officer. Of course he wouldn't be put in jail" Annie exclaimed

"What you two talking about?" Brian asked confused at her two best friends.

"Didn't you guys heard about Fion's parents?" he added which grab the attention of the two and asked Brian to proceed on his explanation.

"O-oh. You're both clueless aren't you?" Brian asked once again which got Annie frustrated 'cause truth be told she still worries for the guy.

"Fion's parents had already disowned him." Brian said it like it didn't even really matter.

"Wh-what!?" Risa asked

"How did you know that?" Annie added.

"We met 3 days after the bar incident. He happens to be an acquaintance of my friend. We catch up and he asked about Risa and then I asked about his life. How he's been and he told me everything. Well, it's not that he can lie, he was close with my other friend and the moment Fion lie, my friend would literally cut the conversation and say cluelessly 'you're lying'"

"Anyways, he said his parents disowned him after he impregnated his girlfriend. His father told him to abort it, but he refused. The couple treat the baby a miracle so no way in hell they would disposed it like some shit"

"B-baby?" Annie asked for confirmation which earned a firm nod from Brian.

"You don't have to worry about him, he's happy with his family. He didn't really care if the two of them got disowned by their family and truth be told the guy's been nothing, but successful after he left their house."

"Oh my gosh! Fion has a baby!" Risa exclaimed enthusiastically that she forgot they were talking about her ex friend.

"Uhuh. But its more of like a child now. The little guy will be 4 this coming November. And he's cute!" Brian added.

"Woah, I can't believe it! I'm so happy for them" Risa said sincerely before Brian divert their topic.

"Anyway, Risa. Have you decided about my offer?"

"No, not yet"

Risa's words made Brian and Annie sit up properly on their chairs and focus their attention to her

"Oh come on! Please? It would really be nice if you could sing for the cafe."

"Brian's right! It will help the cafe boost of customer" Annie said

"Yeah! And tomorrow will be the month of love so pretty please, sing for me? For us? For the cafe? Just once and I swear if you don't like it then I'm not gonna asked you again" Brian said, still persuading Risa to sing.

"Tomrrow is August, Brian" Risa simply commented


"Exactly!? It's August and its not the month of love. What happen to February being the month of love?"

"Please, February is so over rated! We need a new month of love!" Brian exclaimed, getting his point acrossed.

"The guy has a point" Annie commented.

"Ugh, you're not gonna leave me alone, are you?" Risa asked her two best friends who just gave a firm nod and smile

"Fine!" Risa mumbled, earning a big YES scream from the two.

After what happened at the bar last week, Brian and Annie planned to divert Risa's trauma from other things. And that's when they come up with Risa to sing at Brian's cafe not just to gather customers but to let the woman express herself through song.

"You don't know how happy I am, Risa! Thank you so much!" Brian exclaimed and gave her best friend a hug

"Well, I figured I should help at the cafe since we're practically living now at your house without giving you anything" Risa said, sounding sorry for invading her best friend's property.

"Oh, please! Don't worry about it. I'm happy that you both are here" Brian commented.

"So, tomorrow is it then?" Annie asked, which made the two let out a ligh chuckle

"Tomorrow" Brian said, smiling triumphantly at her best friend's decision.

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