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Lilian covered her mouth when she saw how Greg kicked her son in the stomach. Fion clenched his fist for what he saw, how dare his ex bestfriend treat his son like that. They were best buddies back then until Fion found out that Greg was only sticking into his butt so that he would be free of any charges if ever he got into trouble. After all, Fion's father was the head officer of the police department.

Annie couldn't help but cry, she couldn't even look at the video where her best friend was getting harassed. Brian clenched his fist, ready to throw punches same as Christian who showed them the video.

"My uncle is a very well known lawyer, we could sue him for child abuse and harrasment" Christian said, trying to catch their interest, but it seems like the others have other plan as well. Of course, Risa didn't call them psychotic friends for nothing.

"I'll make him impotent" said, Fion

"Hmm. I'm bringing a knife" said, Annie after nodding to Fion's suggestion.

"That's great, I'll bring the shovel to hide the body" said, Brian

"I'll watch Leo and take care of Risa while you guys are out" said, Lilian, caressing his son who's now in deep slumber.

"Guys. I think that's a bad idea" Christian said, not feeling too good about their alternative plan.

"Relax, love. You could call your uncle and some police officers, they could enter the scene right after were done with the cunt"

"What you guys waiting for? Let's go?" Brian said, now holding a shovel and Annie behind him who's now holding a knife. Fion smirked and grab his leather jacket and keys.

"Its pay time bitches!" Annie said, not minding the repetitive call from her boyfriend. Nothing really matters at the moment but to teach the guy some lesson.

It was the break of dawn when they arrived at Maeve's house. They didn't have the slightest amount of care whether they are bothering some neighbors, they keep on banging the door loudly until a grumpy yet disheveled Maeve open the door. She looks like a mess and her eyes are puffy from crying. But none of the squad care what she looks like, they just walk past her until they manage to locate their target who's sleeping comfortably in the couch.

Maeve observed what the three friends are up to. She didn't really care anymore why they were at their house, her mind is still full of Risa.

Brian nudge their target using his shovel, but the guy didn't seem to bother. Annie who got impatient, graze Greg's arm with a knife which made the man sucessfully flinch and open his eyes.

"Fion? What you doing here? And who are these people with you?" Greg asked in a confused state. He just woke up and didn't seem to know what exactly is happening.

"Good question. What am I doing here? Well, I came to give you this" Right after Fion said those words, a punch welcome Greg's face which made Maeve gasp at the sudden action .

"What the hell, man!?" Greg said, holding his nose that's now bleeding.

"Oh, sorry. You were asking who are they, right? Guys, why don't you introduce yourself to this cunt?"

"I don't care who the hell are these guys with you! Why did you fucking punch me?" Greg said with his voice raised that didn't even made the three flinch.

"Oh, please don't be such a pussy. It's only 5 in the morning. I think you need to wake up more you know" Brian said and kicked him in the stomach

"Damn, man! You should have let me do that part" Fion said, chuckling at his friends.

"What are you guys doing?" Maeve finally speak up, confused on what's going on.

"Quiet down woman or you wont like what we do to you" Fion said, giving Greg another kick

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