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It was November 20th of that same year. Neither of the two best friends have bothered to talk with each other. Risa admits that she misses her best friend every single day, but she refused to have the first move for them to reconcile this time. She was so done! She was hurt, shattered and broken by what she have heard that day. Maeve, on the other hand, tries her best every single day to forget what have happened. Ever since that day, she keeps on dreaming about a certain morena whose eyes are filled with sorrow. She want it to stop, but refused to acknowledged what she have done. Call it pride or whatever, all she knows is that the moment she acknowledge what happened on that day, she will also be acknowledging the feelings she have for her best friend. And clearly, she refused to do that.

"Celina, please! I already told you I'm sorry"

Avery followed the blonde who ignores all her pleas.

"How many times do I have to hear your apology! All you say is sorry this, sorry that, but did you even change for the betterment of this world!? All I'm asking is for you to take your studies seriously. That is what you want, why can't you take responsibility for that!?" the blonde said grasping her hair and blow some breath before she walk out, slamming the kitchen door.

"Another fight?" Risa asked which made Avery look at her with pleading look.

"What did you do this time?" Risa asked after letting out a tired sigh.

"Took the exam while being drunk"

"You and your drunking habit. Tell me the truth, will you? Do you really love Celina?" Risa asked, looking straight into Avery's soul.

"Trust me. I love her with all of my being." Avery answered her friend truthfully.

Ever since the day Avery walk out from Maeve, she followed Risa like a lost puppy just to make sure that the morena is fine. After the two had reach the Casancho's building, Avery then knew that Risa was the one who made her girlfriend, Celina find the courage to perform once again.

Risa and Avery immediately hit it off and became the best buddies. Avery always look for Risa whenever she have a fight with her girlfriend and Risa, being the love councilor always gives the latter an advice.

"Then why do you always get drunk? I thought you're way over this habit"

"I'm sorry. It's just that I met Sandra and asked for forgiveness, but she didn't even bother to listen and walk away from me. It's just that, I really missed her and the friendship we once had" Risa said with utmost sincerity

Sandra is the girl that Avery had hurt the most. Back then, Avery was still confused with her own sexuality and with Sandra being inlove with her, the worst that had happen was for Avery to hurt her best friend continuously, leading to both of them having invisible scars and regrets that still lingers up to this day.

"Then you should talk to Celina about what happened"

"I'm afraid, she'll leave me. Everyone leaves me"

"I'm afraid not, darling. You have a very bad drinking habits but she still choose to stick with you. That just means one thing, her love for you is not as low as how you thought it is."

Avery can't even think of what to rebutt because deep inside she feel like an asshole for thinking that her girlfriend's love and trust is too shallow. In the end, she give her friend a smile and took a step to follow where her girlfriend went to. But before she's completely out of sight, Risa said another statement that she needs to ponder.

"And before you go apologize to someone, make sure you had already forgiven yourself. And you also have to keep it in mind that the people we met are meant to stay or leave in our life. They could be a blessing or a lesson or they could be both. What I'm saying is, at the end of the day, you have to accept whatever it is that happen so that you could now open a new chapter of your life. Don't be too stuck up in the past, it wont do you any good"

Right after, Risa said those words she realized that she's not only referring to Avery but also to herself. 'is it really time to move on?' is what she asked from herself but she just shake it off and let a bitter smile. Maybe it really is time to move on and she can't help but hide herself in the bathroom to let out all the tears she's been keeping. Because after all the disappointments and the flaws she've seen on the woman she fell in love with, Maeve still manage to make it hard for Risa to move on.

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