C H A P T E R 5

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It was a warm afternoon. The clouds hide the sun from above, but the warmth is still present around. Risa decided to bring Maeve for a picnic 'cause why not? They haven't spent time lately. The two were always busy with school work and not to mention it's getting harder for the two to meet because they're from different schools.

"Seriously, what's gotten into you? Asking me to hang out all of a sudden"

What Maeve said is true. Normally the two would plan everything first before they hang out, but today it was an imprompto.

"Nothing. I just want to spend some time with you. It's been a while since we met each other"

"Uh huh, says the one who always hang out with her other girl"

Maeve mumbled but is enough for Risa to hear. She felt guilty for not spending much time with the woman she loves, but she can't also just leave Annie alone. Ever since she hear that Annie lost all of her friends except her because of the cheating incedent, Risa refuses to leave Annie's side at all.

"I'm sorry. That's why I'm making it up to you, right now." Risa said with a pleading eyes only to earn a frown from Maeve.

"Forgive me, please. Look, I even brought a chessboard so we can play. I also have here your favorite chicken sandwhich and snacks. So please smile for me" Risa said, showing all the foods she prepared, but the latter didn't even bother to look at her.

"Hey," Risa called once again, but was still answered with silence

"I love you" Risa whispered in Maeve's ear which finally earned a smile from the latter.

"I saw it! You smiled! Finally!!" Risa said, triumphantly like she just won a jackpot. Well, Maeve's smile is a jackpot.

Maeve didn't know why she smiled. All she know is when she heard those sincere words from Risa, she can't help but blush and just smile like she received a good news.

"Oh, stop it! Just prepare the chessboard so we could play"

"On it, my princess" Risa said, giving a salute to Maeve before she laid down the chess board and prepared it right away for them to play.

"So, how's school treating you?" Risa asked Maeve as she move her horse piece in front of her pawn

"Still the same. Stressful, but still fun. Sometimes." Maeve answered as she move her pawn forward.

"How about you?" she continued, looking at Risa thinking about her next move.

How about her? To be honest it's a hard question to answer. She's happy that somewhere in Maeve's choice of degree program, she still find it fun. That means that she still enjoys school though it gives her stress.

"Well, I'm planning to shift program" Risa said unbothered, only Maeve knew that her best friend is seriously bothered about it.

"May I know why? You said you love that degree program"

"Well, love isn't always reciprocated." Risa answered, giving her best smile at Maeve

"Risa, tell me what happened" Maeve asked, more focus now on the woman in front of her rather than their game.

"Accountancy is not for me. I know I said to myself back then that I'll make it. Well, the person who said it back then is naive" Risa chuckled with bitterness in her voice before she continue.

"You said that your program is stressful yet sometimes it's fun. I'm longing for something like that too. But I think that the program I'm in only loves to see me suffer. I always feel exhausted and drained out and I thought maybe I just need some time to unwind, but then it only got worse and then I feel pressured, insecured and useless and all the emotions just jumbled up and then I popped. One of my grade wasn't able to make it to the cut off or even able to make it to the retake grade. "

"Which program were you planning to shift to?" Maeve asked while examining Risa's move

"My father still long for me to be an accountant so I'm thinking management accounting? They will credit the subjects I've taken so I will be able to graduate next year. Then I could work for some time and earned some money for review and then I'll take the board exam."

"And how about you? What you want? I mean it's your father who long for you to be an accountant, so if it's all about you and not about your father, what would you want?" Maeve asked, replacing Risa's rook piece with her bishop.

"Well, I would still chose management accounting"

"I thought you said accounting is not for you?"

"It's not. But then I don't have anything that I want to do. I've spent a lot of time in school and yet I still don't know what my passion really is. So, rather than wasting money for something I'm not sure of, why not just spend it for the course that will make me graduate next year?"

Maeve couldn't even rebutt at what Risa said. She still remember the day when Risa told her that she doesn't know what program she'll take or if there's even a profession she want to take. They just graduated on that day and was changing their temporary goodbyes for they'll study in different universities.

"And checkmate!"

"Wait, what?" Maeve woke up from her thoughts, only to see a wicked smile from her best friend and see how her king got surrounded by Risa's bishop, horse and queen.

"You cheated!"

Maeve knew very well that Risa didn't cheat. Afterall, Risa played for regional chess games back in her freshmen days. But the idea of losing doesn't suit her likings at all, so she whined and pout which Risa find so cute.

"Oh come on, you know I didn't"

"Yes, you did!"

Risa knew Maeve would not accept her defeat so Risa find a new way to make Maeve agree with the truth. She tackled her on the picnic blanket and start to tickle her.

"Risa, stop hahahaha, no not there. I said stop hahahaha" Maeve said laughing with tears in her eyes

"Tell me I didn't cheat" Risa said still continuing her attack towards Maeve.

"Y..yo..you cheated hahaha stop. It tickles ahh hahahaha" Maeve said, trying to get away from her best friend's attack.

"Come on, admit your defeat now"

"Stop hahaha, fine, I admit my defeat just stop hahahah" Maeve said which put a stop from Risa. Finally Maeve was able to breath, she was panting but still relieved that Risa finally stop attacking her.

Maeve was still catching her breath when she realized that Risa has been silent. So she look at her best friend's eyes and there she felt lost at the gorgeous emerald orbs that was looking straight at her.

"I love you"

That's what Risa said before planting a kiss on Maeve's forehead which made the latter close her eyes and felt those plump lips.

Maeve was confused, she didn't know why her heart is beating like crazy and why she felt like she wanted more. But she didn't care thou, or maybe she did.

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