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At some point, Maeve didn't know why she's nervous. She have done it for how many times that she had already lost count now but odd enough, she suddenly got nervous looking at the side stage in front of her. It's her turn now to sing a couple of songs yet she feels flabbergasted and didn't know the exact reason why. All she knew is that her heart keeps on beating so fast like its about to burst out from her entire body making her speechless.

"Hey, are you okay? It's going to be your turn in a few more minutes." Annie said, looking at the girl in front of her.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just, I think I'm nervous? No I'm seriously nervous" Maeve said in a more of a question only to correct it at the end

"Nervous? You've been singing in front of a lot of people and now you're getting nervous?" Annie asked, disbelief in her eyes.

"I know. For some reason I just feel odd and nervous and I don't know why"

"Hey, it's going to be okay. You'll do good in stage. You have always been"

"Thank you, Annie" Maeve replied, giving the blonde a genuine smile.

Right after introducing herself to the new customers, the sound starts to play and Maeve readies herself before singing the first verse of the song.

~ I spend all of my day, just as usual. I don't feel awkward being by myself. I thought that I can't live without you, but I live like this but yet I feel empty, I think that I am still getting there~

These days, Maeve finds herself relating to the song of a Korean Boy Band BTOB. She's not really the type whose into Korean Boy groups nor Korean songs but for some reason she finds herself being comforted by their song as she relates to it in many ways, so she decided to write and sing an English version of it.

~You still keep on circling my mind oh oh. I spend all of my days just keep on missing you. I spend all of the years just by missing you alone oh. And I just keep living like this. I miss you and I will keep on missing you~

Yes. Seven years have already passed and yet nothing change in Maeve. She still hopelessly waiting for the love of her life to come back. Not a single day where she didn't pray for the Gods above to bring her back and give her at least one final chance. Though Brian had been right about music bringing comfort to everyone she can't help but to still feel alone most of the time and those times makes her miss the Morena even more.

~ I repeat that everything's okay but my day still ends with you once again. I thought that I can't live without you but I live like this but yet I feel empty, I think that I am still getting there~

Maeve still cries herself to sleep each night, still wanting to bring everything back and make it right. The only difference is that, instead of looking like a zombie, she looks more of a celebrity now.

~If I spend all of my day trying to forget you. If I spend all of the passing years just to remove you. But I just keep living like this. I miss you and I will keep on missing you~

As Maeve sings the last part of the song, she wanders her eyes to the crowd of people. Her breath hitch as she sees the pair of emerald eyes staring right back at her. Finally! The Gods above answered her prayers! Now all she need is to do her best to work it out.

"Thank you everyone. Now, for the last song, I decided to sing one of Taylor Swift's songs. I admit I'm not a fan of her but I knew someone who do. That someone is whom I have wanted to come back ever since the day she left. Someone who I hurt in the process of discovering myself. And I hope she'll stay for the rest of the night and listen to this song"

Celina, Avery, Annie, Fion, Brian, Lilian, and even Leo followed Maeve's line of sight. Their hearts starts to skip a beat when they see their best friend, sitting in one of the chairs of the café, looking straightly at the girl on the stage. Leo couldn't help but let the tears fall in his eyes. He missed his ma so much, all the boxing lesson and other martial arts lesson that he did is for his ma alone.

~I'm so glad, you made time to see me. How's life? Tell me how's your family. I haven't seen them in a while~

Maeve starts to sing the first part. She wanted to come down to the stage and just go straight into the arms of the person she has been longing but she let herself be glued on the stage with guitar in her hands, fingers strumming, she give the Morena a longing smile.

~You've been good, busier than ever. We small talk work and the weather. Your guard is up and I know why~

And indeed Maeve knew the exact reason why.

~Because the last time you saw me still burned at the back of your mind you give me roses and I left them there to die~

"Risa is not my best friend okay!? She's nothing!! I don't even want her as my best friend so please keep it in your freaking mind that nothing will happen to us nor I care what happens to her because she's nothing but a disgusting gay"

"Well, I'm sorry that I'm a disgusting gay"


"I'm sorry. I came here because it's 16 of October and wanted to give this present to you as well as to greet you a happy friendship anniversary. I guess I came at the wrong moment? Anyway I'll just leave it here" Risa was proud that she didn't stutter and slowly put the roses and the stuffed animal in the couch before she bow down and hastily walk out of the room

~So this is me swallowing my pride standing in front of you, saying I'm sorry for that night. And I go back to December all the time~

"Just admit what you've done and all of this would be over" Maeve said, refusing to look at Risa's eyes

"Your boyfriend kicked a 4 years old boy who did nothing but protect me from getting harassed! I saw red, and punch him until his face is ruined because he deserved it!" Risa said, feeling so done explaining again and again

"Will you please just stop twisting what happened!" Maeve complained, crossing both of her arms.

~It turns out freedom aint nothing but missing you, wishing I'd realized what I had when you were mine. I'd go back to December turn around and make it all right. I'd go back to December all the time~

Maeve sang on the top of her lungs. And as she sees the emerald eyes she loves so much turn into cold and piercing one, she can't help but to let a lone tear escape her eyes.

~I miss your tanned skin, your sweet smiles, so good to me so right, and how you held me in your arms that September night, the first time you ever saw me cry~

Maeve remember it all. How she ran to Risa the moment she found out that her boyfriend cheated on her. How Risa hug her in her arms and never leaving her side.

~Maybe this is wishful thinking, probably mindless dreaming but if we loved again, I swear I'd love you right~

Maeve looks at Risa with begging eyes, silently telling the Morena how she wants to prove herself for one final time and at the same time asking for forgiveness over and over again. But as she sees the cold eyes never leaving and as she sees Risa starts to stand from her chair, Maeve also starts to panic and embarrassingly cracks her voice. Her voice starts to sound hoarse and muffled with her cries. She didn't care if people looks at her, all she cares is for Risa to stay

~I'd go back in time and change it but I can't. So if the chain is on your door, I understand~

Now all that Maeve sees is Risa's back, and it hurts her more when the Morena starts to take a step towards the door exit, so for the last time, Maeve sang her heart out

~ But Ris, this is me swallowing my pride, standing in front of you, saying I'm sorry for that night and I'd go back to December~

Maeve couldn't help but fully cry now, but she still decided to continue the last part of the song, silently begging for Risa to stay but sad to say, she didn't

"I'm sorry" Maeve quickly wipe her tears and bow to the audience before she head to the door exit and follow the only girl she loves 

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