C H A P T E R 1 4

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Risa left her condo unit for 2 weeks so imagine how surprise she was to see a certain brunette, lying gorgeously on her bed.

With all the catching up with Fion, getting to know Lilian and playing with Leo, it's right to say that Risa got really distracted to even forget how hurt she was because of the certain brunette. Nevertheless, it's nice to see her best friend again. Though, she can't help but wonder why Maeve is in her condo unit at 5 in the morning.

Yes, Risa decided to leave Brian's crib early at the morning so she could still prepare all her things before going to school.

Risa let the gorgeous brunette to sleep on her bed and just packed her things tomorrow. She decided to enter her kitchen and was surprised to see her favorite meal being covered on the table.

"Babe, is that you?" Maeve's voice made Risa choke on her drink.

What the hell!? Who is she calling baby!? And as if Maeve had heard her question, the latter gave her an answer

"Risa, baby, where are you?"

The hell with the baby!? Is she possessed? Risa thought, but was later aside when blue eyes met emerald ones.

"Where have you been? I've waited all night for you to come home" Maeve asked, now hugging Risa. When Risa was about to let go, Maeve tightens her hold at Risa as if she's scared the latter would be gone.

"You didn't bother to reply any of my messages nor answer my calls. Where have you been?"

"Uh-I-I was at Brian's crib. How about you? Why are you here? Aren't you busy?"

It was just a simple question, but it did sting Maeve' heart. She felt like Risa's slowly getting used of not seeing her and hanging out with her. And though that's what she wanted, she still feels like it's wrong. That everything's wrong and that Risa should always stay close with her. Still, the name Brian ring a bell so she asked who Brian first before she answer the question.

"Don't you remember? He's the guy whom you referred to as my boyfriend"

For some reason, Maeve hates it. Hearing the word my boyfriend from Risa's own mouth made her think that she hates the fact that someday Risa would have a boyfriend or even a girlfriend. And not just that, but also the fact that Risa had spend the night at some guy's house. She can't help but to wonder what the two had been doing inside the house.

"Now, answer my question"

"I wanted to see you" Maeve manage to reply simply.

"Yet, that's not the only reason why you're here. Am I right?" Risa finally managed to escape from Maeve's hug. It's not that she hated it, she loves it too much that she's afraid she might get addicted and would never let go.

"I-I came here to apologize. About what happened 2 weeks ago"

Just hearing the time frame made Risa became paralyzed. No, she doesn't want to talk abut it and if it helps any better she refused to talk about it.

"I'm really so-" before Maeve could finish her sentence, Risa already beat her to it.


The voice was filled with coldness that it sent shivers down to Maeve's spine.

"L-look babe, I'm really s-"


Maeve flinched by the sudden raised of voice. Risa saw it too. How her best friend flinch, looking so afraid of what's to come. For a second she wanted to apologize for raising her voice but decide not to.

"please" she say instead, almost begging to just erase or burry such bad memories.

"A-uhm, have you had your breakfast? Let me just reheat this, or do you want some pancakes for breakfast?" Maeve asked, already putting the chicken on the oven.

"Chicken will do, thank you" Risa said before she entered her room.

After Maeve set the table, she followed Risa at her room. Before the brunetter could knock she heard a few strum of guitar and that's when she remembered, she woke up this morning, seeing a guitar carefully placed on Risa's chair.

"You play?" Maeve can't help but ask her best friend the question.

"Uh huh. Since freshmen. Wasn't able to play for a long time though 'cause my old guitar was thrown by some mad woman who thought I'm her boyfriend's love affair. That didn't matter now that Brian had gifted me this precious little baby" Risa said, caressing the guitar. The sight managed to put a smile on Maeve's lips.

"Can I hear you play?"

Maeve isn't even interested with some  instruments but for some reason, she wanted to see Risa play the guitar.

"Maybe next time. Brian forgot to tune it again"

Maeve is so sick of hearing the name Brian again and again, she wanted to whine but she can't even understand why she's feeling that way.

"Are my chickens ready?" Risa asked with too much enthusiasm that it made Maeve smile for no reason.

While eating their breakfast, Maeve asked for Risa's phone which the latter answered she left it at Brian's crib. Maeve wants to complain and asked Risa to stop saying Brian's name, but then again who is she to say that?

Maeve still needs to work on her apology. Just because Risa doesn't want to talk about it, doesn't mean she'll do nothing about it. And that's when she remembered that actions speak louder than words. Risa might not want to hear Maeve say the exact word, but the latter will surely do all she can to show to Risa how sorry she was.

"Y-you're coming home tonight, right?" Maeve asked her best friend who looks so unsure with her answer.

"I don't really know. I have gig later this evening and if the show gets successful then I might have to stay at Brian's crib again. Why you asked?"

"It's just, I want to spend more time with you" Maeve said showing her pout to Risa.

"I'm sorry. Maybe some other time?" Risa asked, which earned a firm nod from Maeve.

"But still, just in case. I'll be here waiting for you tonight. I'll prepare another dinner for us, okay?"

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