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Annie let out a heavy sigh as she stared at the brunette looking like a zombie with hair disheveled and puffy eyes. She looks worn out, but Annie didn't care. The woman still believes that she deserves everything that's happening to her. Annie shakes her head before walking inside the cafe.

"Seriously, since when is she planning to stay outside! Doesn't she know that she's a sore to the eyes and I don't believe you'll have customers in this way. You're basically letting a trash be put right in front of your cafe" Annie complained to a silent Brian who's currently brewing coffee.

"Obviously, I asked her to go inside, but she didn't for a reason that someone out here would create a fuss once again and she doesn't want that early in the morning" Brian said as he rolled his eyes. He does understand his best friend, but he thinks that it's been past due and that Maeve deserve to have another go at making everything better.

"Are you insinuating something? You know I don't understand why you're set on forgiving that bitch outside. Did you forget that she's the reason why Risa's not here?" Annie said with a pointed look

"Will you cut it out already, Annie? Since when would you realize that it's not just the brunette's fault why our best friend is not here! Fion, Me, You, all of us, Annie! All of us are part of the reason too. We weren't able to make her stay! Fion didn't even believe her in the first place! If it wasn't for Christian, and what Leo had said that night then we wouldn't even know what really happened. We would put it past behind us and move on the next morning like everything's fucking okay! Because that's how we always are. For pete sake it's been a month already! Stop putting all the blame to one single person and ask yourself why did it happen!" Brian sermon, wiping his hands with hand towel before slamming it in the counter and walk out.

"You know, from all of Risa's friends, I do think Brian is the only level headed one. I mean he's not wrong, you need to already come to terms of what happened" Annie scoffed at what Avery said right after Brian walked out.

"What would you know, you're not the best friend"

"You think your best friend is the only one hurting all this time?"

"Cut it out, Ave. I don't want a fight"

"Neither do I. But when you think of my best friend as some kind of trash, I just can't help it but be mad! You just can't blame her over and over again for what happened. Risa wanted to travel. She was hurt but that doesn't mean it didn't hurt any less for Maeve"

"Yeah right! Should I list all of the things she did just for everyone to know why Risa decided to go and travel to God knows where!? What? Should I tell you about the day when she literally introduces Brian as Risa's boyfriend to some fucking stranger and fun fact, she didn't even know who Brian was! Or should I tell you about your little bitch of a best friend invited my best friend to be in a party only to leave her there without notice? Another fun fact, if Fion wasn't there Risa's already been raped! Oh wait! Should I also tell you how your best friend believed her boyfriend and thought Risa could be a bitch and throw herself to some jerk whom he knew already has a girlfriend and fun fact that girlfriend knew Risa was a fucking gay!" Annie almost ran out of breath as she lists all the past events that happened.

"I know that and I know my best friend fucked up! And I hate her for that okay!? But you can't deny the fact that she's been hurting too. You have seen her, waiting every day and night outside of this freaking building praying to the God's above that the love of her life would come back! You're not the only one hurting Annie. If it makes you any better, you're not the only one blaming her, she blames herself too and I'm afraid. I'm afraid that she wouldn't survive this freaking heartache. So please. All I'm asking is for you to stop bitching on her. I understand why you hate her, but for once, Annie, can't you try to understand her?" Avery said, cracking her voice in the middle.

Annie went silent for a second before letting out a sigh and leave the premises. She didn't bother to look at the brunette outside the cafe. Why would she? All she would see are pair of eyes who seems to be lost each minute, wandering around and looking at the sky mumbling incoherent words. The brunette looks dead if she has to summarize, but again she doesn't want to see what's happening to the brunette.

"What are you still doing here?"


"She won't come back, Maeve"

"Do you really have to point it out, Annie?" Maeve asked, now facing the blonde

"Yes, because you're freezing."

"Last time I checked, you don't care about me freezing." Annie just rolled her eyes and took a sit beside the brunette

"Please, I don't even know why I care"

The two sat in comfortable silence before Annie heard some sniffling. She looked at the brunette and couldn't let the sigh that escaped from her.

"Hey, everything's going to be alright."

"I just want her back"

Maeve couldn't help but to let the tears escape from her eyes. Yes, she's tired of crying, but she can't help but to cry each time she remembers Risa walking out from her, completely leaving her.

"And she will, Maeve"

"You just said that she won't'

"And I take my words back. She will come back here. It might take some time but she will and I can guarantee you, she won't like it when she sees you being out here looking like a freaking homeless, we don't want that do we?" Annie asked which earned a small nod from Maeve

" I don't want her to be mad at me" Maeve silently sobs and hugs the blonde. Though unusual, Annie hugs the brunette back cooing her.

"And she won't, once she sees you being fine. That's why you need to start on looking more of a person rather than looking like a zombie." the two chuckled at that before going back to being silent.

"Come on, let's go inside. It's freezing" Maeve nod at this and let the blonde bring her inside. Two pair of eyes looks at them as they enter Brian's house. It made the brunette feel uncomfortable and lean more on the blonde.

"Ugh! Stop looking you guys"

"I'm sorry, it's just. Are you really Annie?" Brian asked with confused eyes, this earned an eye roll from the blonde

"I'm guessing the two of you had come to terms now?" Fion said

"Ugh! I still hate her guts, but she's bearable" Annie replied before asking the brunette to seat in one of the couches.

"Please, make her more into human" Annie added which earned a salute from the two guys

"Hey, you know what we did when Risa looks just like you right now?" Brian asked the brunette, earning a confused stare from the latter but clearly wanting to listen. Right at this moment, she just wants to hear any stories pertaining to Risa.

"We made her sing" Annie responded

"So, you guys would want her to sing?" Fion asked

"Why not? Music can one hundred percent bring comfort to anyone. Plus, she can express herself more through singing" Brian said, smiling at the brunette

"You know I'm starting to think that you should have an entertainment agency rather than a cafe" Fion said, shaking his head but clearly was into the idea

"So, what you say, Maeve? I'm sure Risa would be happy if she sees you singing when she comes back" Annie said which made the brunette think. The thought of Risa being happy because of what she does makes her giddy and so she let out a small smile and give a small nod, earning a genuine smile from the three.

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