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Song: Softcore - The Neighborhood


Theo's POV


The image of her smile was somehow like a memory. Once she vanished, it was as if it was only a dream; unreal.


I groaned at the sound of Mattheo's voice. I made my way to my feet, gently slipping the crown from my head. I turned to see his figure near the walls of the mansion.

I sighed.

By the time I reached him, Draco had found himself beside Mattheo on the grass, both with cigarettes between their lips.

"The fuck is that?" Draco asked, flicking off some ash.

I looked down at the crown in my hand and shrugged. "Found it in the field," I lied.

"Looks like a fairy made the bad boy a crown," Mattheo teased.

I scoffed, rolling my eyes as I sat down as well. He handed me a cigarette before I lit it, throwing his lighter back. I laid back onto the grass, before closing my eyes, while the crown laid on my chest.

"Where's Alex?" Mattheo asked Draco.

"Still on his way," the blonde replied. "Couple of mi-"

"Draco!" his mother called, making all three our heads turn her way. "Your friend is here!"

A groan left Draco’s lips as he stood up. "Nevermind. Wait here. We'll be out now."

I looked back up at the clouds, a daisy forming through the white fluff. Then I looked back at the tree further down the open field.

"Thoughts, Nott?"

Giving a shrug, I looked back at him. "Just... school..."

He took a drag from his cigarette, before blowing out the smoke. "Last year. Last time in that hell-hole."

I scoffed. "Like you care. Your dad's dead. Your mom's gone. You're unburdened."

He looked at me, sighing. "Apologies, Nott. Didn't realize parents suddenly became a concern to you."

I rolled my eyes, returning their gaze back to the sky.

"Hey!" Alex called, making both Mattheo and I look at him, but only Mattheo stood up to greet him.

I looked back at the clouds.

"And the fairy crown?" He asked as he sat down while opening a cigarette pack. "You their new king?"

I mocked a laugh while I sat back up straight again. "Found it in the field, ok?"

"Maybe they want a new king," Mattheo mocked. "Maybe Theo's a fit."

I frowned, glaring his way. "Amusing. Tell me, Riddle. Since when do you like fairies? Refraze- since when do you believe in fairies?"

He glared at me. A death stare to be exact. Amusement.

I took a drag of the nearly burnt out cigarette in between my fingers, before flicking off the built-up ash. It dropped onto the crown, and immediately I shook it off of the flowers.

Mattheo laughed. "Careful. Don't let the crown burn."

"Oh, fuck off," I bit, before killing my cigarette against the grass, before flicking it into the field.

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