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no song x


Theodore Nott


There she was. As perfect as ever - in a slim summer dress, and a wide smile. I could fall to her knees within seconds - if she wasn't walking hand in hand with a guy who was dared to make her fall for him. Now I dared myself something: get her before he does.

"You good?"

I looked to my side, seeing Alex. I shrugged.

"As good as the son of Death Eaters can be, yeah."

Alex scoffed. "Come on, I don't believe that bullshit. You're zoned out, again. It's not the first time."

Right. I've zoned out a couple of times since... since Friday night.

"Just replaying a memory," I admitted, and he frowned.

"A memory? Which one?"

I laughed. "Nice try, McKinnon."

He shrugged. "I tried."

"I'm sorry!"

Our eyes shot forward, at Mattheo, who now held Daisy's wrist, holding her empty hand up. He looked a bit angry, and she looked quite worried.

"Maybe we-"

"Maybe we shouldn't," Alex stopped me before I could make my way to them.

"I gave it to you to wear, and now you're ungrateful?"

"I forgot, Mattheo. I'm sorry!"

He let go of her wrist, and stormed off ahead. Draco followed him. I walked up to Daisy, and we walked together towards town.

"Are you alright?"

She looked up to me, her eyes meeting mine with desperation. She grew a soft smile. "Yeah, yeah. I'm fine."

I knew she was lying. I saw it in her eyes.


"You coming?" Mattheo yelled, and Daisy flashed me an apologetic look before rushing forward to him.

I sighed.

"Oh for fuck sakes, Nott."

I looked at Alex who stood beside me with disbelief. I frowned. "What?"

"You fucked her?" he asked, eyes widened.

I groaned. How the fuck did he figure that out with less than a conversation?

"You of all people cannot judge-"

"Oh don't you dare," Alex bit back. "You fucked Mattheo's girlf- not even. You fucked Daisy?!"

"Shh," I hushed, pushing him back. "Look, Alex... It just happened, and-"

"It was Friday night, wasn't it?" he asked. "She only left the building after two the morning. She was with you?"

I sighed. "Don't tell anyone, alright? Mattheo will have my head!"

"And let him," Alex groaned. "You shagged his girlfriend. You were just as pissed at me and Beth. Why not him?"

"Because he'll kill me, McKinnon. I'd beat you till you couldn't walk-"

"If she'd allow you," Alex chuckled in realization. "Every single time you wanted to kill me, she stopped you. Fuck. Since the beginning, huh?"

I rolled my eyes. "I wanted to make a move, okay? But then you put Mattheo on her back-"

"And you had a girlfriend-"

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