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Song: no song x

TW: blood

Theodore Nott


We had been in here for a couple of hours now. Three, I think. And we've tried everything to get out.

No spell worked. Yelling did nothing. For all we knew, no one would notice our absence until breakfast.

Pansy and Alex had explored this basement-like-room, and found shelves filled with bottles and jars. All filled with different things. They had labels on, but some were too old to read.

Daisy sat cradled beside Mattheo, her hand tightly grasped in his. It made me wonder if he knew what was happening barely hours ago. Yet, she looked like nothing had happened at all.

No one said a word so far, well no one beyond Alex and Pansy who were whispering in the back of the basement.

Something shattered on the floor, sending a frightened Daisy's eyes to shoot to Pansy.

"Sorry," Pansy said, looking down at broken glass and streaming liquid on the ground. "Uhm, I think that's harmless. Avoid the glass perhaps..."

The ground wasn't horizontal, and the liquid slowly flowed towards the door, but at quite a slow speed.

"It's okay," Mattheo whispered, wrapping his arm over Daisy's shoulders, pulling her closer.

"It smells odd," Draco said, covering his nose. "Fucking weird."

Eventually the liquid passed us, and reached the door, took about ten minutes...

"Where were you?"

I looked up, suddenly seeing a frowning Mattheo. "I'm sorry?" I questioned.

"Why were you at the bridge?" he asked.

I shrugged. "Pansy said Daisy went to her locker, so I went there first and wondered the place. You know, to..."

My words faded, and suddenly I started frowning. At the bridge?

"Wait, how did you know I was at the bridge?" I asked, and suddenly he grew surprised.

He shrugged. "I just... I figured you came from the bridge, man."

I scoffed, a smile on my lips. "Fucking hell man, you think I'm stupid? You saw us on that bridge-"

"Why were you two on the bridge?" Pansy asked.

"Nothing," Daisy suddenly joined, standing up. "I lost my way and ended up on the bridge, that's all." She made her way to Pansy, where she grabbed her by the wrist, and pulled her away.

"Why the fuck did you not do anything?" I asked, looking at Mattheo again.

He frowned again. "What? You were fucking talking."

I looked at him blankly. "Talking? When the fuck did you get there?"

"She was looking at you in worry. What the fuck were you talking about?"


We both turned to look at Daisy simultaneously. At the same time glass scattered onto the floor, and she grabbed her hand.

"Shit," I said as I flew to my feet.

Mattheo had a delayed reaction, but did move to his feet, following after me as I rushed to her.

"What happened?" I asked, looking down at the shattered glass and streaming liquid.

Mattheo took her hand in his, and I could see the dark shades of blood; and it wasn't a little. Her hand was shaking as Mattheo looked at the wound.

"It's weak glass," Pansy said while I crouched down to find the bottles label.

"I'm fine," Daisy argued, but I knew Mattheo wouldn't listen.

He lightly pulled her away from the glass. "Come. There's better light that side."

He lead her away, just before I pulled the label out from between the see-through liquid.

"What is it?" Pansy asked curiously.

I shook it off, satisfied that it wasn't a paper label. "Liquid Luck..."

"Fucking hell," Alex laughed. "The old man lied."

"What?" Daisy frowned.

"An old teacher said Liquid Luck was rare," Draco explained. "Now there's a bottle in some creepy ass fucking basement? Shit man."

"So it's in her blood now?" Alex asked laughing.

I shrugged, dropping the label back into the puddle, before turning to see Mattheo help her sit down.

"I guess so."

Alex grinned. "Oh fucking great. So she's like a little truth bomb?"

"That's not what the potion does," Pansy bit, bumping past him.

I leaned against a wall as Pansy squated down in front of Daisy, helping her with her cut.

"It only gives her good luck. And that's useless, considering she had a cut across her palm. And also, we don't know if it works in her blood."

"Keep calling," I said, looking at Alex. "Let's hope someone hears us."

"Man, deal with the fact that we're stuck in here," Alex sighed. "At least until morning."

Daisy's hand got wrapped with some cloth Pansy had found in the back of the basement. She sat cradled beside Mattheo, her head resting on his shoulder. It was a painfully fucked-up sight.


The morning came slowly, for these who were awake. But when it was here, we quickly heard students flood through the corridors.

That woke Alex up, and sent him banging and calling.

In less than ten minutes, we watched the door open, a furious Snape on the other end.

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