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no song x


Daisy White


I'm not sure but I hated more the coldness, or the walk from Miss Lisan's house to the mansion. To be honest I can't remember why I chose the mansion. I could have just gone into town.

I wasn't planning on staying out all night only a couple of hours at most. I know it was stupid, and wreckless; especially walking alone at midnight. But I refuse to stay home.

By the time I got there, the place was already fairly dark. A few lights on, but from the back of the mansion, I'd say three at most.

At least I knew where Mattheo's window was. And his light was on. And to my relief, it was the ground floor.

I knocked on his window, shivering a bit more with the wind that became stronger. I had the most pathetic jacket on.

After I knocked about the fourth time, and my patience started running low, the curtains got yanked open, and Mattheo revealed himself. He looked shocked to see me, and pulled his window open in a speed.

"Daisy, what the fuck?"

"Can I crash here for a couple of hours? Not all night."

He looked at me in confusion. "What are you doing here?"

I sighed, realizing I was covering my arms as I was clearly getting cold. "Miss Lisan and I got into a fight, again. Can I just-"

"So you left your own house? Daisy, you can't just bunk here for the night. I could get into trouble."

Suddenly there was rustling in his room, but I couldn't see inside.

He looked at who- or whatever made the noise, before back at me. "Daisy, go back home. You can't be here."

My face was filled with surprise and confusion. "Mattheo, I can't-"

"Just go fucking home, Daisy. I'll see you tomorrow, ai'ght?"

Then he just pulled down his window, and closed his curtains.

It probably took me about half a minute to process his egotistical, moronic, selfish, unmannered, dick move.

He's leaving his girlfriend in the freezing cold, around midnight?! And he wasn't alone.

I couldn't go home. Not now. I could sneak back around four, but until then I needed a backup place.

And Merlin did I not want to do this, but I had no bloody choice.

I knocked on Theo's window, even though his light was clearly off. The air got colder, and so did I. I was freezing.

Just when I was about to knock a second time, the blinds opened. His eyes shot wide open when he saw me, and immediately opened his window.

"My Merlin, Daisy. What the fuck?"

I sighed. Here we go again.

"Get in here."

Wait, what?

He immediately helped me in, and I wasn't refusing. I was freezing too much to care.

"Shit, Daisy. What are you doing here?"

"You weren't my first option," I said as if I was reminding him. "Mattheo shut the window on me."

Theo scoffed as he scurried across his room. "I'm not surprised. He and Alex are having a gambling night thing."


As Theo made his way to his bed, in quite a hurry, I had time to look around his room. It was a lot different that I'd imagined.

Black drapes, but a high, white ceiling. His walls were decorated with many, and some muggle bands. His bed was messy, but with black sheets and white pillows. There was a dream catcher above it, believe it or not. His closet looked like it was built into the wall, and a door with some sort of 'bathroom' sign on it.

Also a wall of some small photos; many moving. I made my way to it, while Theo was scurrying into his closet. The photos were mostly of everyone like Pamsy, Mattheo, Alex and him in their robes, doing stupid things. But I was surprised once I noticed clearly new ones. Ones with me in them. Many from parties, but also one I remember some second year took of us at the jean-day ons Friday.

Just him and I.

Merlin, I looked happy.


Suddenly he threw a blanket over my shoulders, giving me a light fright. I looked at him as he suddenly dropped down on a single chair he had by a desk.

"What are you doing out so late?"

I pulled the blanket tighter over my shoulders. "We got into a fight. I couldn't stay, so I stepped out of the house."

He frowned. "You could've shut yourself in your room, Daisy. You ran away!"

"I know," I sighed, leaning back against the wall. I sunk to the ground. "I just didn't want to be there, you know. I needed air."

"At midnight?"

"I get it," I sighed, dropping my head down. "Just a few hours. That's all I need."

He sighed, making me look at him. He was in sweatpants and a random grey t-shirt with headphones printed on them. He was resting his arms on his legs while looking at me, bent forward.

"Did I wake you?"

He shook his head, and I noticed his hair all messed up as if he did sleep. "I just wanted to shower when you knocked."

That's when the light of the closed bathroom door appeared in the corner of my eye.

"I'm sorry-"

"Don't say sorry, Daisy." He sighed, sitting up straight. "You can stay. I don't have a problem, alright?"

"Thank you." The words were a whisper, but he read my lips. It made him smile softly.

"But I do need to shower. Do you mind?"

I shook my head. "I don't have a problem. You are taking me in after all. This is your dorm- room. I mean room."

He laughed, standing up. "You can get comfortable. I don't care. I'll be half an hour at most."

I thanked him again, before he disappeared into the bathroom. I heard the shower water running, and meanwhile sat down on his bed.

Merlin was it soft.

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