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Song: idfc - blackbear

TW: abuse

Daisy White


The door finally flew open, and Theo was the first one to his feet. All eyes shot to the door, with Alex entering, carrying Mattheo in with him.

Mattheo stumbled to his own balance, and that's when I realized how drunk he was. He was bloody wasted.

I stood up, looking at him as he gave Theo a glare.

"What do you want?" he bit.

I stepped out from behind Mattheo, and his eyes lit up.

"What're you doing here?" he asked, stepping closer to me, but Theo stepped in the way. "What's your problem?" he slured.

"Where the fuck were you, Mattheo?" Theo demanded.

He gave him a glare. "The fuck you care?"

"It's fine, Theo," I whispered, stepping in front of him. "I'll deal with this."

Theo glanced down at me, before glaring at Mattheo again as he backed off. I sighed, turning to Mattheo.

"Where were you? It's one a.m.?"

He frowned, leaning back against the footboard of one of the beds. "Why do you care?"

I gave a soft scoff. "Because I'm your girlfriend, Mattheo. And we had a date!"

He didn't show an emotion. He didn't seem to care at all.

"Where were you?" I asked again, a little less asking, and more demanding.

"Out," he stated bluntly.

I stared at him in disbelief. "What's wrong with you?" I asked, and clearly he heard the emotion in my voice.

"There's nothing wrong with me," he chuckled, standing up straight, stepping closer to me. He was practically towering over me. "You're what's wrong," he said, pointing his finger at my chest.

"You're drunk," I said, smelling the liquor on his breath. "You don't mean that."

"I mean it," he said with no hesitation.

I took a deep breath. He was drunk. "Sit down, Mattheo, please-"

"Don't fucking tell me what to do!" he yelled, hitting my hand away as I tried to touch his bare arm.

Theo and Alex were ready to jump ahead, but when I raised my hand, they stopped moving.

"Baby, sit down. You're-"

"Don't think you can control me," Mattheo said in fury, pointing his finger against my chest again. "You don't fucking own me, alright?"

I tried taking a step back, but he grabbed me under my chin, sending Alex and Theo in alert again, but they didn't jump forward yet.

"You're pathetic when you're so soft," he bit. "It's just some fucking date."

I stayed silent, knowing well from experience that yelling back would make it worse.

"You're pathetic," he repeated, before finally letting me go.

I stepped back, and when Theo tried touching me to pull me back, Mattheo grabbed my wrist, and roughly pulled me away from him.

"Don't fucking touch her," he bit, pointing at Theo.

Theo didn't say anything, but simply just gave me a glance, before looking back at Mattheo.

"Don't touch my girl."

I felt my teeth lightly bite into my bottom lip as Mattheo tightened his grip.

"You're ganna hurt her," Theo said, glancing at my wrist.

"Don't fucking act like you care," Mattheo said, talking through grinding teeth, while tightening his grip. "She's just a little seed, right? Useless?"

Theo's eyes glanced at me as I glanced at him. Wait, what does that mean?

"Don't be so caring, Theodore. She's just the little thorn in my life, ain't she?" Mattheo asked.

His eyes softened as Mattheo kept talking, and that's when I realized that these were all things Theo had said of me.

"She's not capable of going for you, Mattheo. Don't waste your time! Now you care? Fuck me," Mattheo laughed. "You're pathetic as well."

His grip tightened, and I felt my teeth push harder down onto my lip. It actually started hurting.

"Mattheo, Daisy-"

"Daisy's getting irritating," Mattheo continued. "Daisy's dressing slutty. Daisy's too drunk to speak for herself. Daisy this, Daisy that. Fuck off," he laughed.

At that moment, Mattheo didn't feel like the bad guy. Theo softened Mattheo's actions. His words suddenly hurt me more. They cut deeper. They'd leave a bruise.

"I'd like to go," I said, realizing how Mattheos attention switched off of me. "Please."

Mattheo looked down at me, suddenly letting go of my wrist. "Daisy-"

"I'll see you in the fucking morning," I heard myself say, suddenly having too much confidence to be speaking to a drunk guy with anger issues.

"Don't speak to me that way," Mattheo scoffed. "You know what, you-"

"Oh fuck you," I suddenly caught myself yelled, stunning both Mattheo and Theo. Alex was silently observing. "You're fucking drunk," I bit.

"What did I-"

"I don't care," I yelled, hitting his arm away. "I don't fucking care. You're tomorrow's fucking problem. Get yourself together!"

I reversed to the door, making sure I wasn't turning my back on him. When outside, I shut the door, and it was as if a weight lifted off me.

I let out a deep breath, as if holding it in forever. I held onto the fabric of my shirt, before taking a deep breath.

He'll be better in the morning, I promised myself. He's just drunk.

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