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Song: No song x


Daisy White


"Oh Merlin your bottom lip looks cut," Pansy said as I sat down beside her.

I smiled, pulling a salad bowl closer to me. "It'll be healed in a week."

She laughed, before looking at Alex and Theo in front of us. "And? How was your night?"

Theo looked at me, but I didn't look back. Fuck, I was ignoring him flat.

"Late," Theo said, looking at her again. "Passed out early, I presume..."

Pansy smiled. "You presume right. Yesterday was an exhausting day." She stopped cutting her toast, and looked at me. "Didn't you have a date? Yesterday?"

"Got canceled last minute," I lied, making her nod. Suddenly her eyes scanned the table, and I knew she was searching for peanut butter. "Be right back..."

She made her way to her feet, and I saw her aiming for a couple of second years.

"Your lip looks bad," Theo said, but I couldn't care to look up. "Daisy," he sighed.

"Why'd you lie to Pansy?" Alex asked, earning my attention.

"We uh," I looked at her. "We don't talk about our romantic lives. We don't talk about it at all."

"So you lie to her?" Theo asked in clear disbelief. "Daisy, that's not you-"

"Can you shut it?" I snapped, hitting my hand against the table.

A few eyes looked at us, and for a moment I forgot that I was supposed to be calm.

I cleared my throat, looking down at my food again. "We don't do that, Alex," I said, looking at him. "She'll know when I need help."

Suddenly Pansy dropped down beside me, a peanut butter jar in her hand, and a smile on her lips. I gave her an accusing glance, and she just shrugged.

"It's second years. We didn't even eat so early as second years!"

I smiled, taking another bite from my fruit salad.

Suddenly, beside me, Mattheo dropped down, and I got immediately distracted by a bush of yellow wrapped daisies.

A smile spread my lips as I made eye contact with a smiling Mattheo.

"What's this for?" I smiled, taking them.

He suddenly planted a kiss on my cheek, before pushing some hair behind my ear.

"I want to take you on a date. Come on."

He suddenly slipped his hand into mine, and stood up.

I smiled, smelling the flowers, before letting Mattheo pull me up to stand. I tucked my hair behind my ear again, and smiled, looking down at Pansy.

"I'll see you, alright?"

She smiled back at me. "Bye."

I waved at Alex and saw Theo looking at me in confusion, but he wasn't going to say anything. I knew him well enough to know that.

I followed after Mattheo, mostly amazed by the smell of daisies.

Eventually when I realized where Mattheo was taking me, and that's when we were already half way up the clock tower stairs.

"Why are we here?" I giggled.

"Just for a date, princess," he smiled.

I laughed, before we stepped onto the floor. There I saw a blanket with a couple of (clearly stolen from the common room) pillows.

"You stole pillows," I said, looking up at Mattheo.

He gave a guilty shrug, making me laugh again. I let him lead me to the blanket, before we both settled down on it. I ended up sinking down onto his lap, while he sat up against the wall.

He wrapped his left arm over my shoulders, holding onto me while I examined the rings on his right hand.

"Why do you wear rings?" I asked, making him frown. "It's meaningless."

He pulled his hand from mine, before taking a ring off. He took my left hand, before slipping his ring onto my index finger.

"There," he smiled. "Now I have one less."

I giggled. "Thanks," I said, examining the ring. It was a little big, but wouldn't fall off. It had a line though half of it, and small squiggles on both ends of the cut.

I looked up at him, and that's when I realized that I didn't smell alcohol. Not like last night. I did smell smoke though.

Slowly I moved myself to sit facing him, making him sit up straight as well.

"I was wondering if we can talk..."

He frowned softly. "About what? Last night?" He sighed. "Daisy, I was drunk and out of place. I-"

"No," I stopped him. I smiled softly to hope he cleared his mind. "Not last night. I don't want to speak about that..."

"But Daisy... I-"

"The holidays are nearing," I said, making him silent again. "I live near you and the others. Maybe we can still meet up? Maybe for drinks in town, or just visit in the fields?"

He smiled at last. "I think that'd be fun."

I smiled, seeing him place his hand on my leg. "It'd be fun not being alone."

"You've got a sister, right?"

I nodded. "But she's little. Goes to ballet classes almost every day. The days she doesn't I walk with her into the field."

Mattheo smiles, looking down at my hand. "The ring looks nice on you, princess. Quite beautiful."

My cheeks probably changed colour, and suddenly a butterfly appeared on Mattheo's shoulder. I don't think he noticed.

I shut my eyes, and when opening them again, the butterfly was gone.

"We should get back sometime," he said, making me nod.

Yet, he leaned forward, his lips nearing mine. I smiled, leaning back a bit in tease. He didn't like that. He grabbed the back of my neck, and pulled me to him, our lips crashing into each other's.

I found myself giggling, making him smile, pulling away.

"Something funny?" he asked.

"You're stubborn," I pointed out, making him laugh. "What? Can't handle rejection?" I teased, leaning closer to him.

He scoffed lightly. "Oh please. I can handle rejection. But who'd reject me anyways?"

My lips neared his, and he leaned closer to kiss me. Only, I pulled away again, and this time moved to my feet.

"We should return the pillows," I said, making him scoff while smiling.

He moved to his feet, suddenly grabbing me by my waist, and pushing me against the railing.

"Stop pulling away, White."

"Or what, Riddle?" I asked, teasing him with a smile. "You can only do so much."

He started chuckling. "Please, princess. Don't test me."

I smiled, moving to my tip toes, my lips nearing his. "Alright," I whispered, looking down at his lips, then at his eyes.

He slowly moved down, expecting me to pull away, but I didn't. Instead his lips crashed into mine, and I moved my hands around his neck, pulling him closer.

Then I pulled away, and walked passed him. I heard him chuckle.

"Now let's get this to the common room," I said, picking up the pillows.

Uncared for {T.N. x M.R.}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ