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Song: no song x


Daisy White


"We're going where?" I asked as Pansy rushed passed me into the bathroom, a towel spun around her body, covering just enough to have Draco's eyes on her, wordlessly begging to see more.

"Hogsmeade," Alex said as he leaned against the foot of my bed. "Theo and Mattheo are already there."

"Get in here!" Pansy yelled at me.

I sighed, making my way to the bathroom. Barely two steps in, she shut the door behind me.

"Where were you this morning?" she mumbled, while dropping the towel.

I frowned. "In bed, Pansy-"

"Not at one-thirty. You weren't here."

Sighing, I leaned against the counter. "I was in bed, Pansy. Were you having a lucid dream again-

"Bullshit," she bit.

"Can you just get dressed?" I asked, making her scoff.

"Where were you?" Pansy asked again as she pulled a pair of jeans up her legs.

I shrugged. "I was in our dorm. That's all. Why were you awake?"

She scoffed. "Don't change the subject," she said as she pulled her bra onto her body, before turning her back on me. "Clip?"

I helped clip in her bra, before she yanked a top on. "I was asleep. Maybe I was sleepwalking. I don't know?"

She was confusing me herself. I know that I was in my bed. I wasn't anywhere else. Maybe sleepwalking. Probably sleepwalking.

My sister had joked about me sleepwalking before, and now I think she might've been right...

Suddenly her fury turned into surprise, then a wide smile. "Were you, uh..."

"No!" I yelled, before covering my own mouth the moment I remembered about the boys who were outside. "No," I whispered. "I wasn't out, ok?"

She pulled the door open, a wide smile on her lips. "That's a lie."

"What's a lie?" Draco asked as Pansy dropped down onto her bed, before pulling new and clean vans onto her feet.

"Girl talk," she said, setting me a bit at ease.

"Girl talk?" Alex asked, looking at me.

I smiled softly, giving a light shrug. "Girl talk."

"Well fuck girl talk. We're late," Draco groaned.

Pansy flew to her feet before rushing to me. She grabbed my hand and before I even realized what was happening, she was dragging me out of the room.

"Boys are paying!" she yelled, suddenly sending Alex and Draco rushing after us.



Pansy was in a burst of laughter when we entered The Three Broomsticks after the boys. She was practically having an asthma attack, but I knew she was alright.

"Welcome, at last," Theo called, and suddenly our eyes met.

He gave a soft smile, before having everyone move up, so that Pansy and I could sit. That's when I realized that Beth was also there.

"Move," Pansy said as she chased Mattheo to sit beside me on the sofa in the booth. I sat between Mattheo and Beth.

"We already ordered butter beers," Mattheo said as he looked at the four of us. When no one said a word, he cleared his throat. "Theo, how was your morning?"

I looked at Mattheo. What type of a random question was that to pinpoint at someone?


Mattheo scoffed, just in time for a waitress to place our butter beers down in front of us. Everyone grabbed one for themselves.

"Must've been very cold," Mattheo said, making me frown. He was suggesting something without saying it.

Theo just shrugged. "Needed air. That's all."

I lightly glanced at Pansy as she took a sip of her beer, looking as if she wasn't paying attention. I wondered if it tasted bitter, but she seemed careless.

"At three a.m.?"

That's when she nearly chocked on the foam. I looked at her with wide eyes as she grabbed a napkin, covering her mouth.

"You good?" Draco asked, frowning.

She looked at him, nodding as she cleared her throat. "Just, uh... chocked. I'm fine."

Sinking back into my seat, I slipped my beer into my hands, and slowly took a sip. I thought it'd be more bitter than it actually was. It was a lot sweeter than expected.

"What about after this we head to our dorm?" Alex suggested. "Truth or dare?"

"Sure, why not?" Pansy agreed. "Daisy?"

I looked at her as all eyes fell on me. "Oh, yeah. Sure."

"Can't," Theo said. "Beth and I have plans."

"You always have plans," Draco complained. "Always ditching us for her."

"What? Jealous?" Beth joked.

I smiled. "Poor Draco lacks love," I joined, before even realizing that I was thinking it.

Beth laughed, making me smile a little more. Her laugh was so sweet.

"I need the bathroom," Pansy groaned as she tumbled over Draco's lap. "Girls."

I think Beth and I groaned at the same time, but we managed to get passed the boys, before rushing after Pansy as she stumbled to the bathroom.

Uncared for {T.N. x M.R.}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon