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Song: no song x


Daisy White


"Here," Pansy said as she suddenly gave me a water bottle. "Come," she whispered, grabbing my other hand.

She had plucked me from the Great Hall while I was doing homework, and now she was dragging me to Merlin knows where, with a bloody water bottle.

"Where are we going?" I groaned as she pulled me through the corridors.

"You and I," she whispered loudly, "Are going to to drink."

"Water?" I frowned as she finally pulled me into a classroom. "Pansy. What-"

She shut the door, suddenly making me notice the boys sitting at tables near the front of the classroom. Well... by boys I mean only Alex and Draco.

"You and I?" I questioned, looking at Pansy as she took the bottle from me.

"Alright, and the boys."

I followed her to the front of the room, where she sat down on one of the tables beside Draco. She pulled me to sit down on the chair beside the table.

"You bring it?" Draco asked as he fished into his bag.

Pansy nodded, holding the bottle out. "Needed to hide it. Luckily it's the same color as water."

"Water?" I frowned, before seeing Draco take out four cups from his bag. "Wait, is that alcohol?" I asked, pointing at the bottle Pansy handed to Alex.

Alex laughed. "You're a little behind, Daisy. Yes it is. Vodka."

"Vodka?" I asked in surprise. "Where'd you get Vodka?"

She shrugged. "My secret."

"Where's the others?" I asked, taking a cup from Draco. "Mattheo and Theodore."

Draco frowned. "What, they didn't tell you?"

"Tell me what?"

"They got detention right after lunch for pissing off Snape. Merlin alone knows what they did this time."

"This time?" I laughed, crossing my legs.

"They always piss Snape off," Pansy explained. "Last year Mattheo sprayed silly spray everywhere. You know, the type that fills the air and makes everyone make silly noises. Theo once even set out a frog illusion. Snape hates frogs."

"Frogs?" I laughed in surprise. "Snape does not hate frogs," I said in a laughter of denial.

Draco laughed. "He does. Fuck, he fears the shits. Like little fuckers with bombs. In the forth year, Snape left the class and had Granger remove it. He would've killed it."

"Who's Granger?" I asked, suppressing my laughter.

Draco eyes glanced at Pansy, making me look at her. "A Gryffindor. You know, the girl in Herbology with the brunette hair. Head of Gryffindor."

"Oh," I smiled. "I saw her around."

"Anyways," Alex said, suddenly pulling a plastic container with strawberries out of his bag. "Snacks, Daisy?" he asked, reaching it out for me.

I smiled. "Is that even a question?"


"Want some more?" Alex asked, stepping beside me.

I stood on the counter against the windows, walking up and down as I looked the books on the shelves. This must have been an old herbology class.

"No thank you," I said, looking down at him. "I think two is enough."

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