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Song: I Wanna Be Yours - Arctic Monkeys


Theodore Nott


She's been acting like I haven't even touched her. She's completely careless. It's not what I want. Not at all. Not a bit.

I've tried talking to her, but everything she either gets dragged away or has something she's busy with. I probably just have shitty timing. Super shitty.

Though in Herbology, Professor Sprout had us do a paired-up task, where she assigned you your partner.

To my never ending luck, I got Pansy.

And to make matters one-hundred times better, she got paired up with Mattheo. And boy was he loving his partner. And boy was he earning glares.

"You're creepy," Pansy said, sending my eyes shooting to her. "What's your deal?" she asked.

"Nothing," I lied, looking towards the plants set out in front of us.

She scoffed. "Believable. Come on."

I sighed, rolling my eyes. "Nothing, Parkinson. Drop it." I noticed her eyes move back to Mattheo and Daisy, and then she scoffed again. "Parkinson, I said-"

"You have a girlfriend," she interrupted. "What is going on with you, Theodore?"

Silently, I glanced at Mattheo and Daisy again. I knew Pansy was watching me, and I knew she knew what I was thinking about.

"Not a word, Parkinson, please."

I noticed her glance at Mattheo, then me again. "Drop your bloody crush, Theo. Don't even think about it."

I looked down at the plant we were supposed to be trimming, a knife slicing through the leaves.

"This subject seems useless," someone mumbled behind me.

True, in so many fucking ways.

Just then, I pressed down onto a branch, but it was a lot thinner than I thought. The blade slit right through the stem, and into my gloveless finger. I heard myself bite down onto my teeth, dropping the knife and the branch of the plant.

"You goo- Fucking hell!" Pansy's voice became louder with each word, and all eyes moved to us. "Shit, Theo. That's deep."

She grabbed my hand, just when Professor Sprout stepped beside us to see what happened.

"Oh goodness, Nott. Go to Madam Pompfrey. You'll need stitches."

Just then I looked up at Daisy, and she looked over to our station in worry, but she didn't move. Then Mattheo gave me a glance of an unhappy stare, before turning his back to me. He must've told her something, because she looked up at him, and the one corner of her lips slightly lift into a small smile.

Just then Pansy nudged me lightly to get me walking. I did so, still glancing at Daisy and Mattheo as she led me out of the greenhouse, and towards the hospital wing.

"What were you thinking, Theo? We got gloves!"

We got gloves?

"I- I forgot."

"Forgot what?" she semi-yelled. "To put on your bloody gloves?"

I looked down at my finger, streaming with evidence of life. "I wasn't focusing..."

"You're fucking blonde sometimes, I swear."


Madam Pompfrey wasn't quite surprised when Pansy and I stepped into the Hospital Wing. I mean, this wasn't really the first incident I've had at Hogwarts.

First year I broke both my right leg and arm when we were taught how to fly a broom. I fell straight to the floor. The same year I got into about two extremely rough fights.

Second year wasn't much better. I got into a terrible fight with a sixth year, and fortunately won, but unfortunately didn't get suspended, like he did. Also, I got hit with an 'eat slugs' spell during a very unexpected duel between two fourth years. Hated the taste. Stuck in my mouth for days.

Third year was quite chilled. The calmest year I've had. Only got my hand smashed by a door. Broke it in four places. Still have the scars of the stitches; even though I don't tell everyone, and no one even remembers it.

Fourth year was quite a year. A nightmare. About four fights, if I remember correctly. First time I was caught with alcohol. Started smoking that year. Madam Pompfrey had to help me, a lot. I used to hide in the Hospital Wing when the other Professors looked for me. She was my safe haven.

Fifth year we went crazy. Madam Pompfrey had us with alcohol poisoning, coughing and sicknesses due to being outside at night to smoke, bruises because of fake fighting, and my hand started to get a little fucked again.

Sixth year was a story, for everyone...

And this is half of our second seventh year's.

Now, she just gives in and smiles while treating me. She secretly loves me, a lot.

Pansy left about ten minutes after she helped me get here, and I decided to stay. I already missed half the period, why go back now?

At last when our double was over, I snuck to Astronomy, where I managed to be one of the first students there. I felt lucky.

"You alright?"

I looked up, only to meet Daisy's eyes as she stood in front of my desk; her hand holding into her bag, while the other rested on her forearm.

"The cut... Your finger, I think..."

I looked down at my hand, before finally snapping at what she ment. I looked down at the bandage that covered my finger, and around my palm for support.

"Oh, yeah. Not my first ever trip to Madam Pompfrey. She had my medical history in her journal."

That made Daisy smile. "Funny. Humor as a mask to avoid pain?

How'd she- you know what, nevermind.

I simply smiled. "That transparent?"

"That obvious."

She walked away and sat down at her desk. I couldn't help but stare. Her hair was in a braid, probably done by Beth, and she had a green ribbon around her ponytail. She looked amazing.

"Drop your bloody crush, Theo. Don't even think about it."

Pansy's voice lingered in my head, and it made me look away.

Drop you bloody crush, Theo. Drop it.

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