Chapter 11: A Fucking Eye Opener

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" ":Talking
' ':Thoughts
Y/n's pov:

I was currently been a few hours when Rias was deperately begging me for help. I managed to finally convince her that I was not gonna help her as I wanted nothing to do with them.

Now, I was sitting on the couch as Qliphah was currently laying her head on my lap, possibly resting as I was scrolling through channels on the tv.

Now, I was sitting on the couch as Qliphah was currently laying her head on my lap, possibly resting as I was scrolling through channels on the tv

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Y/n:"Tch, there's no good channels anywhere in this piece of wire." I said as I keep on scrolling.

After a while of scrolling at about 126 channels, It finally went back to 1 as I decided to just turn it off.

Y/n:"Tch, piece of junk." I said as I take out my phone.

I then turn on my smartphone and as I see that I recently got message from Asia with my old flip phone that I gave her. I unlock my phone and opened the message as it says.

"Hello Accelerator. Issei invited me to the Occult club after school so, I'll be home a bit later. See you at home." Is what the message said.

Y/n:"Tch, whatever." I said as I didn't actually care what she would do as long as she doesn't become a devils which I specifically told her not to.

After that, I turn off my phone and decided to take a nap, until....

Y/n:'Wait, how many days has it been since the church incident?' I asked myself as I started counting until I realized something big. "That redhead bitch! Riser coming and Asia's there!" I yelled as I get up from my sit and nearly pushed off Qliphah, which woke her up.

Qliphah:"*Yawn* Nehehe~ is something wrong, master?" She asked me.

Y/n:"Hell yeah! We need to go to the redhead's base and get Asia before that chicken shit appears!" I yelled pissed as she nods.

And so, she disappears as I plan to summon her again when I arrive at the ORC. I then exit my apartment and descened the stairs as I start accelerating towards Kuoh Academy. Not caring if anybody saw me. Not like they'll see me, I'll just appear as a blur.

Y/n:'That fucking redhead bitch is really not getting the fucking hints huh!? Well, after this. I'll make sure she get's the fucking memo!' I said in my head as I accelerated throught the streets.

After a while, I finally arrive to Kuoh Acdemy as I start running over to the old Schoolbuilding, ignoring all of the students that was looking at me. I then enter the building and kicked the door open inside Rias's office as I see that Riser was already here and was with his peerage as well as Grayfia.

 I then enter the building and kicked the door open inside Rias's office as I see that Riser was already here and was with his peerage as well as Grayfia

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