Chapter 23: Number 1 Vs Number 2

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" ":Talking
' ':Thoughts
Y/n's pov:

As I walked through the streets of Kuoh City to find where Asia is to finally start my plan on beating Kokabiel first, the whole block suddenly shook as if an earthquake was currently happening.

This strange and sudden phenomena made people panic as many people ran by me as many of them hit my reflection barrier and get flung past by me, but thanks to panic, they think they just tripped or some other excuse.

Y/n:'But it does beg the differ, what's the cause of this sudden quake?' I asked myself.

So, I went over to a nearby alleyway and using the panic as distraction and the alley as cover, I jumped up and propelled myself up towards the buildings rooftop with winds vectors.

As I land on the rooftop, I see a sudden straight beam of concentrated white wind towards the sky.

Y/n:"Tch, another headache." I annoyingly complained.

So, seeing this, I jumped up again and propelled myself towards the beams origin's location as the earthquake was still going on.

As I get closer, I see that a beam of wind was fired towards me as I just continued to be propelled towards it and waiting for it to be reflected.

But as soon as it made contact to my vector shield, it managed to push me back while the main basis, the wind, was reflected, but the force still pushed me back onto a rooftop building.

Y/n:"What the!?" I shouted in shock.

This was the first time I was hit ever since my reincarnation. This type of variables were unknown to me and were my very first encounter with these weird variables and elements.

Y/n:"Tch, damned matter." I complained as I propel myself towards it again.

This time, I intend to change my trajectory to any direction needed to dodge any on-coming attacks as I don't intend to get hit by them again, it hurt like shit, especially with a thin body such as mine.

After the brief flight, I land on the rooftop where the street on where the fight was being held on. I see that the 2 saints were all battle ready as an all white girl was facing them.

 I see that the 2 saints were all battle ready as an all white girl was facing them

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Y/n:"What did these two do this time?" I asked myself in an annoyed tone.

With that, I decided to make myself known as I pick up a piece of rebar which was flung ontop of the rooftop. I then throw it towards the figure as it get's blocked by it's wings.

Y/n:"Hey, third-string! What games are playing here!?" I shouted at it.

???:"...It's you..." It said.

Xenovia:"Acc-Accelerator!?" She said in shock of me being here.

Y/n:"Look's like you two made more fucking trouble. If this is how saints do business, the church must be fucking incompetent." I insulted.

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