Chapter 29: The 2nd "Protagonist" Appears

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" ":Talking
' ':Thoughts
Kakine's pov:

I was now currently all alone, just outside the vicinity of this highschool academy they called Kuoh Academy. Kokabiel mentioned that this would be the fighting ground for where we will be fighting those devils...and that wretched 1st ranked.

I was currently on top of a nearby building, waiting for Kokabiel's signal to enter Kuoh Academy's vicinity. I sat down to see many late students leave the school as I get excited with our rematch.

As I thought about our rematch, I get a flashback about those wretched black wings of his. Made out of unknown substance that resembled dark wind. At first, I had thought it was dark matter...but I know it's an entirely different element, that ran on new unknown laws.

Kakine:"Just you wait, 1st ranked. I'll make those wings come out...I'll prove my dark matter is superior."

Forest Path-Y/n's pov:

At the forest path that Rias said to me when we talked over the phone earlier, I had arrived much earlier than both Rias and Sona as I see Irina, all banged up with tattered clothes.

Y/n:"...Hey, are you still there?" I asked her.

Irina:"...Is that...really all you have to...say?" She said in a sarcastic but cheerful tone.

Y/n:"Just wait for a while. Best I can do is slow down the bleeding." I said as

I began to have direct contact on her wounds and began to slow down the bleeding. I can't exactly make it fully stop, but if I were to slowdown the bleeding, I think the forming of collagen also slows, preventing it from closing the wound.

Y/n:"Just take the pain for a while, nun. Those devils are on they're way." I said.

I continued to slow down the bleeding. After a while, Rias with her peerage along with Sona and Tsubaki appeared after about 30 minutes.

Rias:"Accelerator, you're here!" She said as her and Sona approaches both me and Irina.

Y/n:"Teleport her out of here, now." I ordered.

Sona:"Will do. Tsubaki, take her to the healing room." She ordered her queen.

Tsubaki:"Yes, Kaichou. She nodded.

She bends down and carries Irina. She then got out a blue teleportation circle and left the scene, leaving only Sona and Saji in Sona's peerage with Rias's being complete except for Kiba.

Y/n:"Good. Now that that's out of the way!" I swung my hand towards some trees.

A gust of wind was formed from my hand swing as it hits Freed's excalibur, making him get out of his hiding spot with a maniacal frown, showing teeth.

Freed:"Woah! Woah! Woah! You dickhead! How dare you!" He shouted at me.

Issei:"Freed!" He yelled as he let out his boosted gear.


The gauntlet let out a yell of boost as it began to stack up power, getting ready to be transferred to the user or someone else.

Freed:"Haaah!? Where's that traitorous nun, Asia-chan! I can't wait to get my hands on her an-" A pebble fired at high speeds grazed his left cheek.

Y/n:"Shut you're mouth, third-string. Get ready to die." I said with am angry tone.

Freed:"Woah! Time out! Time out! I came here to speak with words jackasses! Let's talk!" Freed said.

Rias:"Talk?" Rias and Sona walked infront of me and the others.

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