🔥Chapter Fifty-one🔥

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Y/n's POV

She's badass! I thought, amazed.

Suki had managed to get to the second floor balcony and get to the warden, all on her own.

"Sorry I'm late." A voice said.

"Zuko! Good, you're here." Sokka said.

"Let's go catch up with Suki." I said, taking off at a sprint.

Using a combination of subtle earth and airbending, I got myself up to Suki.

The others arrived a few moments later, panting.

"We've got the warden. Let's get out of here!" Suki grinned.

"Those are some crazy girls." Hakoda said.

"Tell me about it." Sokka and Zuko said in unison.

"We're close." I said. "Let's get to the gondola and get out of here."

We began running towards the gondola, warden in tow.

Firebenders approached us from the front, bending fire at us.

I bended it away.

"We have the warden!" Zuko shouted. "Step to the side."

The guards moved to the side.

"Come on." I said, charging straight ahead.

We made it! I thought, opening the door to the gondola.

"Everyone in!" I shouted.

Zuko was standing by the lever.

I gritted my teeth.

"What are you waiting for?!" I shouted. "Come on!"

"Go on without me!" He shouted, kicking the lever after turning it on.

I got in the gondola as it began to move.

Zuko kicked the lever until it broke.

He then began running towards us.

He's not gonna make it. I thought, looking down at the water.

I sighed, then began bending water from below us up to the platform we departed from, freezing it to make a bridge for Zuko to run across.

He ran across it and jumped, grabbing onto the side of the gondola. I made the bridge disappear.

"What are you doing?!" Sokka asked him, helping him inside.

"I'm making it so they can't stop us." He replied.

"Oh." Sokka said. "Way to think ahead."

"You have to be kidding!" I shouted, running to the end of the gondola.

"Who's that?" Hakoda asked.

"That's a problem." Zuko said. "It's my sister and her friend."

Ty Lee jumped onto the top of the wire the gondola rode on and began running up it.

Azula swiped a pair of handcuffs from a guard and jumped to the wire, latching the handcuffs onto it and propelling herself forward with fire.

"This is a rematch I've been waiting for." Suki said, glaring at them.

"Me too." Zuko muttered.

Him and Suki climbed to the top of the gondola.

The two girls met them there.

"Hakoda, you stay here with the warden. Sokka, you help Suki. I'll take Zuko and Azula." I said.

"Do you mean help Zuko?" Sokka asked.

"Sure, that." I grinned, climbing to the top.

As I reached the top, I blasted fire at Azula.

Her eyes went wide as she avoided it.

"You're bending fire." She stated. "Looks like this pest has a few tricks up her sleeve." She blasted fire at me.

Zuko dove towards me, bending the fire out my way.

"Cut the line!" The warden shouted.

Suddenly, the gondola stopped moving.

"They're about to cut the line!" Ty Lee shouted.

"Then it's time to leave." Azula said, looking into the distance.

I turned and saw another gondola approaching.

Azula blasted fire, propelling herself into the air.

"Goodbye, Zuzu." She said.

Ty Lee jumped onto the other gondola with Azula.

We climbed down into the gondola with Hakoda and the warden.

"They're cutting the line." Zuko said. "The gondola's gonna go."

"I hope this thing floats." Sokka said.

"It won't need to." I said. "Everyone, hold on."

I walked to the end of the gondola.

I could see Ty Lee and Azula watching us.

Putting my palms together, I began blasting out air.

Slowly, the gondola began to move.

Suddenly, it began to move faster.

"Way to go, Y/n!" Sokka shouted.

"That...wasn't me." I said, the air no longer coming out my palms.

"Who's that?" Suki asked, looking at the prison.

The black haired girl looked back at us.

"It's..." I began, my words trailing off.

"Mai." Zuko finished.

Mai had made the gondola start moving again.

Soon, we were at the end. We all ran out the gondola, leaving the warden inside.

"Well, we made it out. Now what?" Suki asked as we ran.

"Zuko, what are you doing?" Sokka asked, seeing the boy standing and staring at the prison.

"My sister was on that island." He said.

"Yeah, attacking us. We need to go." I said.

"What I mean is she came here. She had to have been on something." He said, running to the cliffs edge. "There! That's our way out of here." He pointed at something.

I walked to his side and saw it. An airship.

"Good thinking." I said, grinning.
I stomped my foot and moved my arms. A staircase formed on the side of the cliff.
"There. Let's go!" I shouted as I began running down them.

The others followed behind me.

Boarding the airship, Zuko went to get it into the air.

"We're home free!" I grinned.


Soon we were back at the temple.

"What are you doing in this thing?!" Katara asked. "What happened to the war balloon?!"

"It kinda got destroyed." Zuko said, smiling.

"Sounds like a crazy fishing trip." Aang said.

"Did you at least get some good meat?" Toph asked.

"You could say that." I replied.

"The best meat of all." Sokka said, smiling. "The meat of friendship and fatherhood."

Suki and Hakoda walked out of the airship.

"Dad!" Katara shouted, throwing her arms around him. "How are you here? What's going on? Where did you guys go?" She looked at us.

"We broke into a Fire Nation prison." I said, shrugging.

Hakoda pulled Sokka into the hug.

I smiled, crossing my arms, watching the family reunite.

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