🏔Chapter Twenty-two🏔

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Y/n's POV

"Y/n٫ what are those?" Zuko sighed.

"Hey٫ I just thought our new place could use some feminine touch." I shrugged٫ carrying a vase with flowers.

"This city is a prison. I don't want to make a life here." Zuko said٫ frowning.

I looked down.

"I'm just trying to make the best of things." I mumbled.

"Life happens where ever you are whether you make it or not. Now come on٫ I found us jobs and we start this afternoon." Iroh said.

Zuko took the flower vase from me.

"Hey٫ what are you doing?" I asked him.

"Let me carry them for you." He said.

I smiled.

"Thank you."



"Well٫ you three certainly look like official tea servers. How do you feel?" A man said.
He was the owner of the teashop Iroh got us jobs at.

"Ridiculous." Zuko said٫ frowning.

"It's perfect." I smiled.

"Does this possibly come in a larger size?" Iroh asked the man.

"I have extra string in the back. Have some tea while you wait." He smiled٫ disappearing into the back.

I poured a glass for Iroh and I٫ already knowing Zuko wouldn't want any.
I took a sip٫ then stuck my tongue out.

"Ew. This tastes horrible compared to your tea." I said.

"This tea is nothing more than hot leaf juice." Iroh said٫ disgusted.

"Uncle٫ thats what all tea is." Zuko said.

"What? How uncivilized are you?" I frowned.

"How could a member of my own family say something so horrible? We'll have to make some major changes around here." Iroh smiled٫ tossing the tea out the window.


"This is the best tea in the city!" The man I gave tea to said.

"Thank you. I made this cup myself." I smiled٫ going towards the back.

"I don't like how you smiled at him." Zuko said٫ pulling me out of view.

"It was a customer٫ Zuko. I have to be polite." I explained. He pulled my body against his and pushed me against the wall.

"You're mine." He said٫ kissing my neck.

"A-ah... Zuko٫ please. We're at work." I breathed out.
He backed away.

"Fine. But the next chance I get٫" he towered over me٫ "I'm claiming you as mine." He turned away and went back into the main room.

I gulped.

Suddenly٫ I heard a voice I had begun to despise.

"I'm tired of waiting. These two men are firebenders holding a waterbender hostage!" The voice shouted.

I looked into the room and saw Jet٫ gripping his swords in his hands.

"Me? A hostage? Please٫ if they were firebenders٫ they couldn't keep me as a hostage if they tried." I said as I entered the room. "If you're not going to buy some tea٫ leave."

Jet narrowed his eyes at me.

"I know they're firebenders! I saw the old man heating his tea!" Jet accused.

"He works in a tea shop." A customer said.

"He's a firebender٫ I'm telling you!" Jet shouted٫ holding his swords up.

"Drop your swords٫ Jet." I said٫ taking a fighting stance.

"Y/n٫ stop." Zuko growled.

"You'll have to defend youself. Then everyone will know!" Jet shouted٫ running towards us. Zuko shoved me out the way and grabbed two swords from a soldier.
"Go ahead! Show them what you can do!" Jet grinned.

Since Y/n٫ Zuko٫ and Iroh are within Ba Sing Se's wall٫ they've mostly stopped calling eachother their fake names. They only use them when someone asks them their names ¯\_()_/¯

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