Chapter 25 Axl ❤️ Licah

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Axl's POV

Why is he not replying? Ugh.
I miss my wife so much.

I went out of my office and asked Ria to bring snacks for Licah.

Why is he so workaholic?

"Report to me what is my wife doing, okay?" I sent a pasta and a note for Licah.

Ria returned and told me that Licah is currently in a meeting. She just left the food on his desk.

I want more time with him. He should be here in my office, or we can share or just cuddle on his desk. I want him to give me the full attention that I deserve.

Meetings are peaceful nowadays because my grandfather is not joining any of them. I am more free than usual. I played with my stylus with my fingers. Why the time seems to be longer now?

I am reading the book about how to keep the marriage healthy. Surprise him all the time? Will it surprise him to see me on his desk right after their meeting?

"Baby, I need a cuddle." I sent this to my wife.

"Cuddle at night. I have lunch with my subordinates. I messaged Ria to buy you lunch. Please don't skip that." He replied. You are so cruel. How dare you act cold to your husband?

I messaged Jared to locate my wife. He said he is in the 8th-floor company cafeteria.

I fixed my hair and went to the cafeteria as well. I never ate there. I was too busy with work to even go there.

When I arrived at the place, I see Licah eating with four employees. He looks so happy eating. Good for you while I am alone in my office thinking of you.

Everyone turned silent when they saw me. The HR manager walked toward me and offered to order for me. I let her.

"Should we place it on our table, sir?" She asked. She is eating with some of the managers that I can't even recall the name.

"No, bring it to the finance table."

Licah is looking at me. More on warning me actually not to do what I am supposed to do.

I sat at their table.

They all greeted me.
I was glaring at Licah the whole time.
He looked at his plate. He knows why.
He is eating with three male and a female employee.

If he keeps doing this, I'll no longer agree to this set-up anymore. I am itching to tell these guys to fuck off.

"How is work, Licah?" I started.

"It's fine, sir."

"Look at me when talking," I told him.

"It is fine, sir." He repeated. This time he answered while looking at me.

"You look so happy at your new role." The HR manager put my food in front of me. "Continue eating. You don't mind me eating here, do you?"

"Not at all, sir." The other employee answered.

Licah doesn't seem to like the fact that I am here. It's good that I am here though. I want to know who are these people having lunch with my wife.

"So, sir LJ, you want to go with us later?" The guy asked Licah.

"I can't. I need to go early." My wife answered him.

"Next time then. I'll message you." The guy added.

You try it, I am going to smash your face on your plate.

I glared at Licah.

"I am really busy every after work so I don't think I can go. Thank you, though." My wife told him.

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