Chapter 13: Worse Than Worst

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The smell of butter and wine, the finery of golden cutlery and expensive plates from the Cartier collection.

And the smell of his favorite steak sizzles on the iron pan.

Jaewon loves it when his steak is perfectly cooked in thyme, butter and garlic, she made sure she got the perfect texture of medium rare so he can cut effortlessly, he likes it soft and juicy and as he takes a bite that melts in his mouth like a jelly.

She knew how strict he is with his steak, because the last time she failed to meet his standard, he broke their hermes plate like it's a simple ceramic plate that they can find in walmart.

She placed the steak on his plate beautifully with a creative pull of her homemade sauce that she knew Jaewon loves so much.

The few weeks of a culinary arts workshop that he insisted her to take is a good investment, he said. Although he is right, Lisa thinks it is just for the sake of himself. He said they don't need a chef or maid to cook for them, all he wants is Lisa cooking everything he eats.

She went back to her oven and took the glass bowl full of roasted potatoes, that goes well into the side. He just loves the perfect combination of her homemade seasoned roasted potato to his steak and her homemade sauce.

And just in time when the clock strikes at 7, she hears his car engine stopped and their front door opens as Jaewon enters the room in his neutral manner as he looks for someone inside their house.

And when he saw Lisa decorating his plate he smiled to see her home after almost two months away from each other, "I'm home, Yeobo,"

Lisa turned to him and smiled, "Welcome back home, you're just in time.. the dinner is almost served," She took a napkin and removed the stubborn drop of sauce on the sides, and took both of their plates.

"Go dress and let's eat," She went to their dining table and placed it on top of their placemat. "You don't want your steak getting cold right?" She giggled.

"I'll change quickly, it looks so good with wine," Jaewon said, salivating at how delicious the smell of her cooking was.

"I can pour us some," Lisa said.

"Alright, wait for me okay?" Jaewon said before going to their room.

"I'll be here," like always.

* door shuts*

Her smile disappeared in an instant as soon as he closed the door of their room. How wonderful for her to pretend she's a good housewife.

It has been a week since that day, and Jaewon is true to his words at least. He showed her that the draft of the article is deleted for good, and she burned the pictures including the SD card and usb on their fire pit so no evidence will surface in the future.

She deleted all their photos and videos of the two of them. And burned the film strips of her camera so that Jaewon will never find a trace of her rendezvous. She is guilty with all his evidence, she knows she can't be too carefree now she is caught, she will be as vigilant as ever, even would wager herself to her acting just to conceal everything that had happened.

But even after everything was burned, she wanted to at least have the only one she had. And that's the picture she developed as soon as she landed in Seoul, and she hid it in her clinic, with only she can open the locket.

She loves him, that's something she can't deny now, but it has to end as soon as she goes out of the ship, and starts to believe that there's no way out of this hell hole.

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