Chapter 32: Rot in Hell

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"And the last thing I knew.. is him doing the same cruel things on the day of our third anniversary.."

Her lips quivered, "And me.. Losing my child,"

Everyone was silent, even those who eavesdropped on them. The utensils fell soundly into the plate as they watch the mourning woman cry. Their eyes soon traveled to the cruel man, whose world just turn upside down, having a hard time processing everything, that he forgot about the early things that Lisa said, before she announce about her miscarriage with his child.

So she wasn't infertile after all.

"Li-Lisa.." Jaewon wanted to hold her hands but stopped halfway, he felt she's too far away to hold on.

"Even if I had miscarriage all this long.. I-I wanted to look okay in the eyes of the many.. I don't want to humiliate myself because I know I failed as a mother, I am irresponsible for my own body," "But I-I had to swallow my disgust sleeping next to a man who cheated twice, to have that same man embrace me as if he didn't held another woman, that I.. I suffered a severe postpartum without anyone of you knowing it,"

Lisa glared her eyes to those people she is talking to, especially to that specific whore while her eyes is burning and in tears.

"I wanted to take revenge by being okay fighting for what it is good for me and for my poor baby," "But every time I saw mothers struggling theirselves to make a living for their child inside that field, and even able to perform my first birth delivery, to give birth to a new life is my long dream, I began questioning myself,"

"Why am I torturing myself?"
"Why letting them win?"

"Why I am letting them do whatever they want, while I suffer the great loss?"

"That field made me realize that I can't be okay, cause I know I am not," "I am not okay! I cannot be okay!"

"I lost my child!"

"I lost it because of this!" Lisa pointed her hand to her husband.

"And that!" She pointed her finger to Lin.

"Lisa... what are you sa-saying," "I-I'm your bestfriend," Lin is shaking, petrified from the turn of events.

"Best friend?!" "Is that how best friend do? seduce her friend's husband, fuck him in their own house?! In their bed?! and even let yourself be a fucking feast in his office on that same day of our anniversary?!"

"Is that what best friends do?!" Lisa yelled.

"Did that made you feel good?! fooling me around?! After everything I've given you?! After I pardoned your affair once! After I swallowed my pride as a woman! As fucking wife, just to save my marriage and turn a blind eye,"

"Do you really think I'll see you again to what you once was?"


Lin's father stood up for his daughter, "That is a huge accusation, Mrs Jung!!" "If you don't have any evidences to prove it, my daughter will remain innocent!"

Lisa scoffed that finally someone took the bait, "Innocent?" "Your daughter?"

Lisa laughed, "She used you to get back with my husband, Mr Seo," "Telling her that you would help him to recommend his proposal in Istanbul but I guess now it failed, since the company is seeking for my presence,"

"And I think there is no solid evidence bigger than that child inside your slutty daughter, Mr. Seo,"
"She is pregnant with my husband's child," Lisa made it clear for everyone to process.
"I pity you, you have no idea how immoral your daughter is to be," She added.

Lin's father paused as their heads went to her, "What is she saying... Lin?"

Lin couldn't talk, no words are coming in her mouth. The only thing she wanted to know is how the hell did Lisa knew about her pregnancy. "I-I.. It's not—"

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