Chapter 38: Lady of The Grand Palace

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"Your Majesty, we have an intel that the Grand Prince of Taejonggung is going to Busan,"

Jung hyun sighed, "Ahh.. that stubborn brat,"

He doesn't know why that stubborn prince is doing suspicious behind his back. He doesn't know if it was that he knew he's been giving a bouquet of sunflowers to someone in Seoul for 10 months or is it because he is trying to stop him to go back to Busan, the reason why he's trying so hard to refuse another international work.

Or maybe both of them.

"Did you find out who that woman, he's been giving that sunflower?" Jung hyun asked his Royal Advisor, Kim Namjoon.

"Forgive me, Your Majesty," "But The Grand Prince already knew two months ago that you're tracking his expenses," "We've lost all the traces since then,"

"He is completely hiding that woman huh," Jung hyun shook his head, "I'm afraid that we will be having another commotion in the near future," "Cause if not he will not be doing this much for a girl, to even refuse a command from the crown,"

"Although he made sure the contract with our new allies is successful, he's acting too suspicious,"

"Or probably because he's preparing for something very big, Your Majesty," Advisor Kim said.

"That is what I am most afraid of," Jung hyun intertwined his fingers, "Jungkook is considered the most famous royal in the world today, it will be a huge scandal,"

"Then I shall prepare of anything possib—

*knock* *knock*

They both turn to the door, "Who is it?" Jung hyun asked but the door opened slightly welcoming a beautiful woman smiling at him.

"Ahh.. My Queen, you're here," Jung hyun stood up from his seat while Namjoon bow his head before Her Majesty.

"My King," Ji Eun curtseyed on him, "I want to ask you if I can go to Jeju with my friends, I haven't been with them since our wedding,"

"Of course, you do not have to ask for my approval," Jung hyun told her, smiling.

"Then, we will be in Jeju for a week, and another week in the London since my best friend in Cambridge is getting married after that, so I will be away for more than two weeks at the least, is that okay?"

Jung hyun hang his mouth, she intend to leave the Palace for three weeks, he sarcastically chuckled, "Of course, have fun with your friends,"

It is much better if she left the meantime if something he's afraid to happen, occurs without a warning. She needed them, cause he knew his wife... still loves his brother.

And that is okay..

Cause he hasten their marriage to protect her.. even if his love in unrequited.. and he knew so much that wouldn't be what he wanted.

"Take a vacation as much as you need, you needed that,"


"Oh my god!" 

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