Chapter 36: Forever Yours

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"Did you miss me, baby?"

She gazes at his smiling face, uncovered by the mask pin on his chin. She doesn't know if she's hallucinating because she misses him. But it can't be real that he's back, she just saw a photo of him in Hawaii last night. How can he...

Or does the ghost of this lecture room taunt her?

"I miss you, Lisa," He said sweetly, staring at her, like his eyes are smiling so gently at her and his bunny teeth are showing off his lips.

And as he walked closer with those smiles widened, her imagination smashed as quick as the memory of the picture flashes in her mind. She can't believe she almost gave in to his sweet voice and his smiles, she thought he was a ghost.

But stories aside, it is true that she wanted to hug him. but that three bouquet of sunflowers in his hand made her realize that she's mad at him for breaking his promise, and even more to that smile, that sweet smile that was photographed with a brunette woman in Canada without telling her that he went away for another week, traveling countries with that woman.

She shouldn't give in with that smile. She is hurt.

She returned her eyes to the white board without a word, continued erasing the notes as if she never saw him.

"Aishh! I knew it!"

Jungkook's smile faded and placed the bouquets on top of the desk in a hurry to embrace her waist from behind, whispering to her ears. "Baby.."

"I'm sorry, I know I've been away for too long," "I even asked you to meet up last week, but I had to go abroad to accompany an important delegates," "I promise I tried to refuse, but you know how hard it is to disobey royal command," Jungkook said, laying his chin on her shoulder.

"Hey, baby.." Jungkook pouted as he spoke at her unfazed reaction, disappointed with himself.

He knows he is at fault for breaking his promise to see her last week, but what can he do? The King forced him to come to accompany the Australian delegates in Canada and to Hawaii, but knew something was wrong when she's not replying for a day up until today.

It's dreadful! He might have been calm in people's eyes but deep within him, he's panicking, to the point that he had to shut down his work phone because his brother is asking to extend his stay with the delegates but he said 'NO' firm and serious.

He left Hawaii with an excuse that he had more important things to do, he had business to attend to in Seoul, he said, or else he'll lose this special one; and he doesn't want that. Never ever.

"I'm sorry love please," He pouted.

"Ya! We're at school!" Lisa tried to remove his arms around her waist but he can't let that happen.

He planned this to be as cringey as it gets. He needs to be pitiful to be forgiven, because he knows he's at fault. He basically ditched their date after being away? He is sure she's not as easy to be persuaded but lately she likes him being cute. And that is his plan for today.

To be the cutest so she can't do anything about it and accept his apology.

"No, I won't, you're mad," "I'm sorry, please forgive me.. I didn't mean to do that," He shook his head, dipping his head on her neck.

"Why don't you go back to Hawaii, you look like you're having fun there" Lisa said calmly, still trying to remove his arms but Jungkook's strength is greater than her.

"Ya! I said get off!"

"No~" Jungkook differs. "This is all the government's fault! Fuck them! fuck that fucking Prime Minister! He should have gone to Canada for fuck sake," Jungkook whined, "That useless shit, I wish he won't win the next election, fucking bald bastard supposed to be there, fuck him for making you mad!"

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