PART 17: Relationship Drama .3

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Connor's P.O.V

It had been a wild couple of days.

Steve refused to leave the compound, as if sensing that if Evelyn was sick and she wouldn't be able to protect the place. He stayed, oh, he went hunting every now and then. He'd calmly hop over that fence, shaking everything in the house as he did so, but he was never gone long. Couple minutes at best. Then he'd be hopping over that fence again and lie back down on the grass.

Sometimes the tiger would just lay there, looking all majestic, staring off into the distance. Sometimes Evelyn went out to sit with him, sometimes Godrick did, and sometimes it was the both of them. They'd sit in between his paws and the Tiger would sniff them both carefully before going back to staring off into the distance. Sometimes Steve would roll over onto his back and they would take turn petting his side and face.

It was honestly, odd to watch. You wouldn't think a giant tiger would want to get belly rubs, or act like a giant undead house cat.

But with Steve refusing to leave that meant Jack and Godrick couldn't leave.

On the one hand that seemed to be okay for Melissa, because her and Jack seemed to be exploring some sort of... situationship. On the other hand, it was not so good for me, because it meant that Godrick was around a lot more and I could tell that Rebecca was kinda of enjoying the interest he was shooting in her direction.

The problem was, he was very good at it. In the sense that she got the attention but he made her work for it.

He had realized that Rebecca craved attention, and if I withheld it from her, she'd go running to Godrick. Though, to be fair, if he did the same, she'd come running to me.

Sometimes he'd flirt with her right in front of me. I had tried calling him out on it, on flirting with my girl right in front of me, but Rebecca was quick to shoot me down. According to her we didn't have an exclusive deal going on, which was news to me. No, apparently, I was just the only guy in the house, and therefore the only one to get affection from.

Now that Godrick was there, she could check out other options.

So for the last couple of days, Godrick and I had been basically fighting for her attention and affection. And Godrick was winning.

Needless to say, I was really looking forward to when Godrick left. If he didn't manage to convince Rebecca to go with him, I was going to spend the next week or more convincing her to go exclusive with me so this didn't happen again.

Every day I woke up hoping that this would be the day Godrick and Jack would be leaving. And this day was no different.

Or at least, it started that way.

I woke up before everyone else. Jack's bed on the couch was empty, which meant he was up with Melissa in her room. I started by turning on the coffee maker so people could get coffee as they got up, and I boiled the kettle and set up tea for Evelyn. This was just picking a large mug and putting in a tea bag for her.

All she'd have to do was pour the water in for herself and she'd be good to go.

As per usual, though, I got Rebecca's coffee all ready to go, and mine and then went up to her room. It was a little ritual we had and I liked it. I liked it because it made us more familiar and more friendly. I was showing her that I could be more responsible than Godrick, that I'd be there for her for even the small stuff, like remembering how she liked her coffee, and how she liked to drink it in bed.

I knocked on the door and didn't hear anything. That wasn't entirely surprising, Rebecca liked to sleep in. So I just let myself in.

And hoo-boy was that a big mistake.

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