PART 6: Car Troubles .3

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Melissa's P.O.V.

Evelyn was silent as we drove through the dark. I wanted to ask so many questions but I was too scared to. I may not have known Evelyn long but I had been following her enough to know that she was on edge. Her shoulders were stiff and tense and her eyes kept narrowing at the road ahead of us. She hadn't played the music she had been listening and singing to on the way here and she seemed generally very pissed off.

"So, you decked him huh?" Evelyn asked breaking the tense silence that had fallen between us.

I blinked my eyes, surprised that she was curious about that. I mean, with everything that had just happened was that was she cared about? "Uh... yeah... I did."

"Did he get handsy? Or just very close? To be honest I've decked him for less," Evelyn said with a soft sniff.

She didn't glance at me, but if she had she would have seen my eyebrows raised in disbelief. "You hit your clients?"

"Only when they're trying to do experiments on me," Evelyn said.

I whistled lowly. I didn't need her to go into detail to know that whatever it was Flemming wanted to do to her it wasn't pleasant. "Why do you still work for him then?"

Evelyn shrugged. "Never a dull moment. Besides, he's always got the good cookies and movies."

I wanted to tell her that that was the stupidest thing I had ever heard. That she of all people should realize that she was being reckless, but I didn't. I was starting to see a pattern in Evelyn's behaviour, I just didn't want to admit it to myself.

Luckily I didn't have to, at that moment four starbursts of pink shattered the darkness and illuminated the streets below. Everyone knew that color and my blood ran cold upon seeing it. Evelyn had been looking at it as well but she didn't look afraid. She look annoyed.

"Goddamn it Flemming, what have you done?" Evelyn growled to herself.

"That's the Carnal Circus Flares," I whispered. "Oh My God! We have to stop, pretend we're another stopped car."

"Can't," Evelyn said quickly, flicking switches on her dashboard. I wasn't certain what they were doing mainly because she had never briefed me on the special features of her care and a little bit because it looked like they weren't doing anything.

"What do you mean we can't? Evelyn they're going to notice a moving car!"

"They're going to notice my jeep regardless. This isn't a hunting night and she just got a good shipment from Flemming two days ago. She's looking for me."

For a moment I just stared at her. She had said it so calmly that I almost laughed. Instead I swore loudly and kicked the dashboard. "Why couldn't you drive a normal car? No, you had to have the only stupid Jurassic Jeep in the city.

"Stop abusing Rex," she ordered. Was I surprised she named her car? No? I was starting to realize that this girl was fucking nuts. Then she turned to be and said: "Not even going to bother asking why Sierra's looking for me?"

Did that matter now? No. I blew a raspberry at her. "No. Everyone knows you two have beef. No one knows what started it though. Are you going to tell me?"


Well that was about what I expected. "See, then what's the point in asking?" I slouched back in my seat and folding my arms over my chest. "We're going to get caught aren't we?"

"Not if I can help it."

I could see headlights now, heading towards us, lots of headlights. Evelyn had that devious smirk on her face, the one I recognized as the face she made when she had a plan and, suddenly, I was on edge too. I was sitting up in my seat. My eyes darting between Evelyn, who had her hand poised above a large red button on the dash, and the road where the headlights were getting closer and closer. I hate to admit it but I wasn't that scared. I was excited. Evelyn's attitude towards danger had already infected me. I was ready. Literally ready for anything she wanted to dish out, for any fight. I felt invincible. Like I could take on an entire army so long as Evelyn's infectious calm courage was beside me.

At least until she pushed that red button, the car literally skidded to a stop and she dove out of the car leaving me alone and surrounded by a fleet of cars filled to the brim with people who liked to watch zombies getting it on in humans. At that moment the courage left me just as quickly as I did and I understood exactly what Flemming had been trying to tell me about Evelyn and her loyalty.

I'll spell it out for those of you who don't get it.

Evelyn was a bitch who was only loyal to herself. 

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