PART 6: Car Troubles .4

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Sierra's P.O.V.

I knew the second the car stopped that Evelyn wasn't in it. But I also knew she wouldn't have just left her favourite Jeep. If my sister's stories could be believed than Evelyn loved that Jeep more then she loved her family, or herself. That meant she was coming back for it. I wasn't going to be around for it though. I knew, if she came back, she'd come back with Steve so I was going to torch her car, take something precious away from her as she had done to me.

I just had to settle one matter.

There was someone in the car, the girl she had left with. I didn't know when Evelyn started travelling with people again but obviously the girl had no idea what she was like. The brunette came out of the car with her hands above her head and ferocious scowl on her face but I could see the underlying fear. I smirked at her, knowing exactly what it was I was to do with her. She was going to go straight back to Flemming who had been extremely excited when I described her to him this afternoon. Well, unless she could answer my questions, only then might I cut her a deal... and even then probably not.

She stared me down with contempt, like most people did when I had them caught. She'd probably ask something stupid, like how could I do this to people and I wouldn't answer her because I didn't have to. I waited for her to say something, but she just stared me down, a tactic she must have picked up from Evelyn.

"Alright, I'm only going to ask you once. Where is she?" I snarled.

The woman sighed as if I had asked her the stupidest question there was. If she wasn't careful, I'd hit her, regardless of the fact that Flemming had requested I not harm her pretty little face.

"I don't know," she said softly, her voice unwavering and not hinting at the fear I knew was buried just beneath the surface. No one came across me and wasn't afraid. Even Evelyn was afraid. Hence why she had run.

I had no doubt in my mind that Evelyn never filled her in on her plan. I had no doubt that this girl was telling me the truth but that didn't mean I had to be nice about it. I smiled my meanest of smirks causing the girl to stiffen. "Well that is the wrong answer." I hissed to her.

I turned to address my men who were all waiting, guns ready for in case of... surprise Evelyn. "Alright, put her in a cage, we're going to take her to Flemming. Someone get me a Molotov, I'm going to torch this piece of shit," I called out.

The girl, opened her mouth to protest while my men approached her, surrounding her so she couldn't escape. Lucas already had a Molotov ready for me, I was mid lighting it when I heard: "No one touches my car!"

I turned to my right to find that Evelyn was just inside our circle of cars, and the men who had been standing there had all scrambled away from her. She stood glaring defiantly at me, but she didn't look scared, instead she looked kind of breathless, which worried me. I knew for a fact that we were nowhere near Steve. He was still somewhere in the city so she couldn't have gone to get him that quickly and gotten back. Also, it wasn't his move to just sit and wait, if she had Steve he would have crashed through our line of cars by now. But just because she was alone didn't mean that she didn't have a plan. Evelyn always had a plan I just didn't know what it was yet.

I shot a glance at the girl who was staring at Evelyn with pleading eyes and after a moment's pause Evelyn added: "Oh... yeah... and the girl... yeah... she's with me too."

I tried hard not to laugh at her, Evelyn clearly hadn't given this girl a second thought since she had left. She was here for her jeep alone. I purposely pretended not to notice that my men were backing away from her, edging towards their cars. I hated that even my men were scared of Evelyn but at least Lucas would stay by my side, even if the others ran away.

"What are you going to do to stop me?" I asked her. The brunette chose this moment to rush my men, getting through their weakened circle and making it to Evelyn who casually swept her aside.

She hadn't even been distracted momentarily by the girl. She allowed her to hide behind her but her attention stayed on me the whole time, her eyes didn't even flicker over to the brunette once.

"We're going to duel for it." Evelyn said loudly and this time I laughed out loud.

Evelyn didn't seem phased as me and all my men began laughing at her. She merely stood there calmly waiting for me to stop laughing to address her.

"We're going to duel? You don't even have a weapon!"

Everyone knew that Evelyn never carried a weapon. Didn't need one she kept saying. Zombies were scared of her and everyone else kept a wide berth of her. So, I knew she didn't have a weapon, Evelyn knew she didn't have a weapon, so... what the hell was she doing?

Evelyn merely shrugged at me. "We're going to duel for it... western style," she said and then got into position. Hands out to the side as if getting ready to go for the weapon she didn't have.

This was ridiculous but hey, if Evelyn wanted to go out in a blaze of crazy, who was I to take that from her. Rolling my eyes, I set myself in the same position as her. She was so desperate to have a western style shoot out with me then I'd happily let her die that way. I got myself into position as well, mocking her own movements and smirking at her while I did so. My fingers hovered over the gun holstered at my side, I was ready for this

I knew that this was some crazy suicide attempt, I knew she had a plan, but I was a quick draw and I was certain I could take her out. I could only assume that there was something she was hoping to get from her jeep. I just had to make sure that she could never get to it.

I grabbed for my gun and as fast as I could I had drawn and shot at her, but Evelyn—of course—was faster. She dropped to her knees, the bullet missing her by a mile and ricocheting off a car behind her. Her own hand disappearing into her pocket and I wondered if she did in fact have some sort of weapon after all. It would be just like her to perpetuate all these rumors only so she could have the element of surprise if she ever needed it.

When her hand was back in view, now pointing at me, I wondered if I should duck like she did, but nothing came. I focused on the object in her hands and realized it was just her car keys and all she had done was push a single button on the fob she had.

At first, I laughed at her, what was she going to do? Car alarm me to death? It was only when the music began to play that I remembered just who she was and where we were. Granted we were on the outside edge of the Fodder Flats but this was the largest known area where the slower zombies tended to congregate. And I realized, right then and there, that Evelyn had been gone long enough to have the large group of zombies' scent her and begin to follow her back.

Evelyn's jeep was flashing, not just police car flashing the fucking thing was a strobe light blasting the Jurassic Park theme song. I realized then that she had done what I had expected, she had been gone at least twenty minutes, just long enough to do what she needed to. They were slow zombies, we wouldn't have noticed them ambling up towards us, not for a while anyway, and even if we did notice we could easily get away before they got us. However, nothing sent the zombies—even the slow ones—into a frenzy more than loud noises and light.

Already I could feel the ground shaking beneath my feet. I glared at Evelyn's smug grin, she knew exactly what she had done. She knew I had fallen for her trap.

"Get to the trucks!" I ordered just as the first of the fodders broke into our ranks, launching themselves at whatever moved. Trucks were mobbed, most of the men didn't make it. The last thing I saw before I got into my own truck and revved the engine up to go was Evelyn standing amidst the chaos. The little brunette was holding onto her, looking terrified, but Evelyn. Evelyn hadn't moved, she didn't look scared. She simply stood there watching as my truck backed out of the chaos, that smug smile on her face. We both knew that she had won.

We both knew this wasn't the end.

And we both knew that she was going to survive this, though no one else would have.

And that just made me angrier. 

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