PART 8: Road Trip .2

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Jack's P.O.V.

The morning after Evelyn left life as we knew it went from ideal and turned into chaos.

It was like the beginning of the apocalypse all over again. Us minding our own business and bam zombies in our faces.

It had started with the morning patrol reporting something large, green and surprisingly stealthy leaving the city at a speed that rivaled our fastest of cars. I wasn't stupid and neither were any of my men, so when that report came in we knew exactly what that meant.

The Beast had left the city.

I didn't know why and I didn't care, our second biggest worry had just up and left and we celebrated the only way we knew how. With lots of noise and alcohol. In hindsight it was a remarkably stupid decision, but it was ours none-the-less.

The lot of us were drunk before lunch which was how we hit the first of our problems. Zombies had started flooding previously safe place.

They hit our compound hard and fast but for some reason they didn't come into home base. Completely stayed clear of the main building, they went through everything else though and while that was weird I didn't wait to contemplate that issue until after the perimeter was safe. We lost at least ten men to that first wave of zombies but once we were officially sober enough to shoot at things and not be worried about friendly fire we managed to drive the zombies away from our compound and then we shut the place down.

I had not been expecting that and it wasn't until after we got the zombies out and the men wanted to party to celebrate our victory against the undead that I realized that Godrick was the only one who was prepared. He hadn't been drinking with us that morning, and instead had been on edge the whole time his gun out ready to go. I had found this strange, but as soon as we were all safe Godrick took a jeep and took off without telling me where he was going so I couldn't ask him what was going on.

I grumbled as I made my way to the infirmary, hoping that seeing Mina would cheer me up. Our sexy little Asian nurse had the hots for me after all, and I was always up for a tumble with a willing woman even if the one I really wanted wasn't here. I was contemplating swinging past the Shady House to see if Melissa still detested me but I had a feeling that Evelyn had taken her along when she left the city. Melissa always went along on Evelyn's adventures now a days.

As usual, as soon as I appeared Mina was smiling at me. Though she also could have been smiling because she didn't like Drifters and she had been forced to put down several of us today. And by forced I mean delighted. She wrapped her arms around me and smiled in a teasing sort of way. The sort she used before she pulled me into bed.

"I take it you're still in a good mood," I whispered huskily.

She nodded in what could only be described as a seductive manner. "Do you wanna go to the back?"

The back was her own personal quarters and this was code for "let's go fuck" but honestly I really didn't want to anymore.

"Did you see Godrick today?" I asked instead, hoping to save her question for later.

"He was in here briefly," she said crossly she tilted her head to the side. "Why? What did he do now?"

"What did he take?" I asked.

Mina sighed. She had been listening to me bitch about Godrick for a while now. It wasn't that I didn't like him, but more that he was giving me a lot of reasons not to trust him. I was starting to think that Godrick's loyalty didn't lie with the Drifters, or with me. If Godrick was loyal to anyone it was Evelyn and that pissed me off. If he liked her so much why didn't he go work for her then?

"He didn't take anything. He asked if I needed anything," she said. "He was being helpful."

I frowned. Most of what Mina needed was found in hospitals. Do you have any idea how hard it is to get into a hospital? Hospitals were a hotbed for zombies, completely infested. Hospitals were suicide missions. No one I knew of ever went in there, except for maybe Evelyn. Which was why if we needed first aid supplies we went through her to get them.

"So you sent him to his death," I said with a teasing smile. "I know you hate us but I always thought you didn't think he was that bad."

Mina playfully hit my shoulder. "You know Godrick isn't that bad yourself, I don't know why you're harping on him," she said. "Besides, I know he can handle himself."

"And how the hell do you know that?" I shot back.

"You know, I met Evelyn once, long before you guys showed up and ruined everything," she whispered. I nodded not sure where this was going, "She was showing some kid the ropes, showing him how to avoid detection, how to blend in with a crowd of zombies and how to find the best stuff."

"And what? That was Godrick?" I asked.

Mina shrugged. "I don't know. He's never confirmed my suspicions, but they sure do look alike."

I thought about this a moment. It had never occurred to me that Godrick had been trained by Evelyn. As weird as it sounded, I knew Evelyn had taken on apprentices before, but most of them died. But the feeling in my gut told me that I was wrong, that there was something more to Evelyn and Godrick and my gut was rarely wrong.

"Come on baby. Let's go to the back, I have some things to show you," Mina said tugging on my jacket. I let her pull me towards the back exit and her own personal space. I'd deal with Godrick when he got back, at the moment I had a lady to please.

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