PART 4: The Others .5

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Melissa's P.O.V.

The new-comers, the new leader of the Drifters—a dark haired, olive skinned man named Jack—and his companion—a yellow haired boy with uncannily familiar blue eyes that answered to the name Godrick—sat at the kitchen table talking with Will and Keith.

They had given no explanation for why they had returned with Evelyn or how they knew her but then again, when they posed those questions to me when I hadn't answered either.

Evelyn had been up in her room for hours now, refusing to come down or even answer her door. I had no idea what she was doing up there, but the house was back to working and the first thing I had done was turn on all the lights and get a cool drink of water.

Rebecca, of course, was fawning over the two new boys, she had gotten Godrick's full attention but Jack seemed uninterested in her and more interested in me. Of course that was driving Rebecca crazy. That didn't compare to the glare I got from her when I reminded her that she had a husband in front of the new guys and that attention withered away like an unwatered plant in the desert.

I was getting sick of the boy talk and Rebecca's mooning. I had half a mind to stomp up those stairs and break down Evelyn's door when suddenly...

"Why are you still in my house?" she snapped appearing in the doorway.

"There are zombies outside!" Rebecca cried.

Evelyn's angry blue eyes narrowed at her. "Who the hell are you?" she growled.

Rebecca opened her mouth to answer but I cut her off. "I brought some friends with me."

Evelyn's eyes found me and I saw an unbridled fury glowing in them. "I didn't say your friends could come. I didn't even say you could stay!"

"Look, you need us!"

"I. Do. Not!" she shouted, each word it's own definite syllable. "Get! Out!"

"Kay, wait a second," Jack said standing up. "I'm totally down to get out of your house, but I just want to talk about a truce."

"You shot my car," Evelyn growled to him. "You guys keep trying to kill me, and once I give you the alcohol back you'll just try it again."

"No, no, I won't. If we can figure out a deal where you pick up and deliver our booze, we'll stop trying to kill you, you can take the supplies you need... within reason... and you can have full range of our roads."

"Too good to be true," Evelyn said. "Try again and this time don't lie."

When Jack could only stare at her with his mouth open and a blank look on her face she turned her attention away from him. She turned to me next "And you, you say I need you. Tell me why?"

"We made a good team remember. Me and you against the Drifters," I reminded her.

"But why do I need them?" Evelyn asked pointing at my three comrades.

"Will can fix cars, Keith was an electrician and a computer hacker, he could help you with all of that," I answered quickly.

"And the brat?"

"Rebecca can kind of cook and she's learning how to sew..."

"So she has no purpose and therefore I don't need her," Evelyn interrupted.

Rebecca stood and stomped her foot. "I am not a brat!" she cried.

"You sure are proving that point to me," Evelyn said dryly.

Jack stood up again. "Not to be annoying here, but I have another proposition to make."

"Sit back down," she snapped. "I'll talk to you in a minute."

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