PART 3: The Mad Scientist .3

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Melissa's P.O.V.

Evelyn was proving to be dangerous to my health. After a hit like that I should have stayed out, I didn't need to be conscious. My head was pounding, my vision blurry, I felt like I was floating in and out of existence, in and out of my body. I hadn't moved but I could see everything around me.

I was only half aware that Evelyn was fighting with my attacker, only half aware that she seemed to be winning. The whole scene played out like a dream, here I was thinking that Evelyn would be of no use in a fight, especially since she didn't carry a weapon, and she was proving herself to be quite capable. The girl was nothing but an oblivious twig, but I had always suspected that there was something special about Evelyn, something she was holding back, hiding from the world, something that was just hers. I never thought it was the ability to kick ass if need be.

No, what brought me back to full clarity was the blood curdling scream and the sound of something being torn apart.

I opened my eyes and found Evelyn, the setting sun sinking below the horizon behind her. Red was in the sky, or maybe it was coming from her head, either way it silhouetted her like a halo setting her whole outline on fire. Her eyes had been on whatever was happening below her in zombie maze, but when they turned to me I saw this terrible gleam alighted in them.

As she tilted her head back and began to howl with laughter I realized that the light in her eyes hadn't just been blood lust or triumph over the fight. No, that gleam was nothing more than unbridled insanity.

Evelyn Duncan truly was mad.

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