Chapter 27 - Let me Dream

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A/N: Enjoy~ The piano cover is by Reynah, if better, please go to her channel and subscribe her. Please acknowledge her talent and don't use this for song covers or using it in any way possible. That would be wrong. You can only listen to it or link it from her channel, don't be unfair.

P.S: She's a really good pianist!

EDIT: This is Chapter 27. I'm very sorry for the misunderstanding! ;-;

Title : Moonlight - EXO


Inside the hospital room ; Fuyu's P.O.V

My siblings always visit me these days, they worry about me, they care about me, but there's a time that I won't be their first priority anymore, there will be a time where I'll be alone. And I feel it's already near.

I feel peaceful and I got enough rest while staying inside the hospital, but the only thing I don't like is the food, that's why Ukyo-nii visit me and gives me delicious home-made food. The television was on, and look, I got featured, I don't know if I should be happy or embarrassed about it.

Disappointed, I feel, I change the channel and stumbled upon a Cooking channel, it makes me hungry and I want to taste Ukyo's delicious omelette, the egg cooked perfectly and still gooey as it's being pierced by a shiny silver fork, the rice scatters and it makes you eager to eat it quickly.

The door opens creaking with a squeaky and annoying sound, the wind passes by making the curtain fly, some flower petals flew inside and one rests in my soft palm. The person at the door was a nurse, checking me every 2 hours. She greets me with a warm smile.

I then shifted my attention outside the window. The view outside was a tree, and the branches were swaying with the breezy wind, petals fall off from the thick branches and those pink petals elegantly fall down resting on the moist ground.

I saw some children walking down at the street, with an old woman (possibly their grandmother) accompanying them. In a brief moment, I saw myself with Sawako-san. My vision got blurry, until I realized those were really tears that were about to fall from my pure eyes.

The white sheets that were newly laundered soaked my tears, my hair flew away when wind passes by another time, the coldness traveled down my body which made me feel chilly, I tuck myself in the warm blanket that I was under in, made from pure wool but carefully woven. I heard the wind speaking to me, it felt like it wanted it to take me away.

It feels like the Gods wants to take me away, unexpectedly, I saw myself in a white dress in a street with no people,also, the sky was bright orange, so it means it's almost night time. Am I in heaven already? Is this still heaven? Or hell?

I walked around and saw no signs of people like me, it felt like I was alone. I felt no presence, no warm bodies, no noise from any people, it felt like I'm the only one who existed here.

Until, my eyes caught some light glowing on the road, maybe it was guiding me to somewhere, maybe it'll lead me to heaven. I followed it and ambled to the place where I was being guided to, then it revealed a small hill with a single Cherry Blossom Tree.

This is where I was being guided to? What am I supposed to do here? I arrived near the tree, I held out my hand and rubbed the tree's body, the roughness contrasted with my smooth skin. After circling the tree, I sat down and continued watching the sunset, it gradually goes down and the sunlight isn't anywhere to be found.

But new light was seem from the dark skies, which were stars. Twinkling up above, shining brightly, several constellations can be seen everywhere. "Are you enjoying so far?"

The peacefulness faded away when an unknown voice startled me from out of the blue, without any hesitation, "Who are you?" I asked carefully. That person laughed lightly, he had a prince-like laugh, those flower boy types, as I recall.

"Oh, Fuyu, you know me." He knew my name, "Could you tell me where you are?" I asked again. Silence filled in again, but he immediately spoke saying, I'm here.

He wasn't beside me but above me after realizing that he was resting at the tree's branch all along. "What might be your name? And am I dead?" He went down by jumping and landed lightly on the ground. "Well, if you'll believe, then I'm Juli." His smile that was full of warmth, and he does resemble Juli in a way, but he's a person.

"Why am I here and why are you also here?" He steps closer to me while I just stood still, but he passed by not answering my question. But he sat down, and offering a seat next to him to watch the the night sky.

I sit down and our heads looked up at the dark sky full of twinkling stars, "So you see, Fuyu-chan. Before I met Ema, I heard a wee baby's giggle and it lured me near to you. You were a gentle-faced baby, I remembered how your eyes were big and sparkling. I saw you in front of a building, I decided to come near to you. When I saw you, I felt that you were already special. It made me want to stay beside you but, a lady took you in. But it didn't stop me from remembering you. That's why you hold a very special place in my heart, you're a very special person, if someone leaves you alone. There's a guy who's always behind, and that's me. So don't ever feel alone."

Those touching words made me realize that I my whole existence was really important. A pet, or an animal, like Juli actually cares for me. Can that even happen? "Fuyu. You there? Earth to Fuyu?"


I suddenly woke up from a voice, and that was Masaomi-nii. "Oh, you're awake. You were sleeping with eyes open, I thought you were dead. That gave me a fright back there." He sits down beside me.

I might be awake but my soul still lurks around inside that dream. I might not be there but I still feel it, with me and Juli under a beautiful night sky. Let me dream more.


A/N : Enjoy~!

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