Chapter 12: Moon-viewing

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"Hakshuuuuu~"  I sneezed.  "Onee-chan, are you alright?  Did you caught a cold?"  Wataru asked me, "Noo...I just had a fever last night, it's impossible to have a fever again...  Someone's talking about me."

I said, "Really, I wonder who it is?"  Wataru wondered, I patted his head, "Haksshuuuuuu~!!!"  I sneezed again but I covered both my mouth and nose.  "I'm going to cook now."  I yawned,

I opened the refrigerator and it was empty...   .___.  Empty.  Well, Ukyo-nii is really busy this week.  Hmmm, I looked at the schedule, the only one present was Wataru, Tsubaki, Azusa, Ema, Subaru.....  I guess we could eat outside today.  

"What are you looking at?"  Azusa-nii surprised me, I got startled.  "It's better if we eat outside today."  I said while poking my own cheek, "Eating on restaurants are boring..."  Azusa poked my other cheek,

"Ehhh~  So are we going to have a diet or something?"  I pinched Azusa-nii's cheek, "How about flower-viewing?"  Wataru asked.  "It's summer, it's very dry outside..."  That's the only problem we had.  

"Oh!"  I ran back to the calendar.  It's a full moon tonight, so it's better if we do some moon viewing.  "Ne, what kind of underwear are you wearing today, Fuyu-chan?  Why so puffy?"  Tsuba-nii peeked under my skirt,

"You!!!!"  I got away from him, "How rude!  It's called bloomers."  I panicked and hid under the table.  Idiot!  -///////-  Trying to guess my underwearing.  >///////<  

I called Subaru-nii, "Moshi moshi~?"  Subaru-nii answered.  "Ah!  Nii-chan, after class, can you go at the park?"  I asked.  "U-uh..sure."  He said.  "Ah~!  Thank you, we'll see you later."  I hung up, 

I got out from the table.  "Hakssshuuuuu~!"  I sneezed again.  "Someone is really thinking or talking about me."  I spoke.  

I went to the kitchen and fried the leftover croquettes that I made yesterday, and I packed the cupcakes that I made for Wataru, last weekend.  "Something smells good."  Ema-nee-chan went down from her room.

"Ema-imouto-chan~!"  Tsuba-nii hugged her.  A vein popped out from my head when I looked at the mirror, Eh?  Wait!  N-no!  It's not like I'm jealous or anything!!!  =__=  Who can fall in love with a pervert anyway?!  >////////>  

"I think it's about time to go now."  I looked at the clock and carried the food.  


It was a late afternoon, "Yo'!"  We saw Natsume-nii, "Ah!  Have some."  I offered him some croquettes, "Hakshuuuu~!!"  I sneezed again, but I covered my mouth...  >.<'  I feel that I'm a hot issue, right now!!!

I heard Tsuba-nii, drunk, singing in front of the girls, "Wow~  Just look at the moon..."  Ema-nee-chan pointed, "Beautiful~"  I spoke.  I saw Wataru playing with the swans, I walked near to him, the swan suddenly got wild,

and bit Wataru's hand, he was reeled in the water, "Ehhh~??"  I pulled him and I'm the one who's reeled in instead of Wataru, "Waaaahhhhhh~!!  >___<"  I fell in the water, "Nee-chan!!!"  Wataru shouted.  

I splashed into the water, "Haksshuuuu~!!!"  I sneezed again and all of the swams swam away.  "Fuyu-chan, are you alright?"  Ema-nee-chan asked.  "Ye-yeah."  I stood up from the water and it was realllly cold, and

all of my clothes were wet, my underclothings can even be seen.  I covered myself, "What's wrong, Fuyu-chan?"  Ema-nee-chan asked.  "I'll be the whole attention of this park, they'll see my underclothings."  I explained.

Tsubaki-nii then went inside the water, "He-hey, what are you doing?  You got wet too!!!"  He gave me his jacket, "Here."  He covered me with his jacket..  "Th-thank you.  .////////."  I thanked him and he guided me to the grass.

"Hakshuuuuu~!!!"  I sneezed again.  "We need to get home before she catches a cold."  Natsume-nii said, and we all went home.  "Hakshuuuu~!!!!!"  I sneezed again.  We encountered Subaru-nii,

"What happened?"  He asked.  "She got wet because she got into the pond, to save Wataru."  Azusa-nii explained.  "Gomenasai, nee-chan.."  Wataru hugged me, "It's alright............Ahaha, Haksshhuuuu~!"

"Oh, then we should get back."  Subaru-nii agreed.  "Sorry if I caused trouble again."  I apologized.  I saw Tsubaki-nii-chan eating some of my croquettes, "What are you eating?"  Subaru-nii asked him, "I'm eating some of

Fuyu-chan's delicious croquettes...why?"  Tsubaki-nii was eating.  "You want some?"  I asked.  "U-uh..sure..."  I asked him and he ate it, "De-delicious."  I smiled.  I looked at the starry sky and the moon was just beautiful.

"Ah~!  Oww..."  Ema-nee-chan tripped, "Are you alright, Ema-chan~?"  Tsuba-nii went near to her, "Ah, yeah....My knees suddenly just got a cramp."  She said....  He helped Ema-nee-chan, and decided to carry her.

It's not like I'm jealous, siblings help eachother!!!!!!!!!!!   I pouted, "Haksshuuuuuuuuuuu~!!!!!!!"  My sneeze got stronger than ever, "Are you alright?"  Subaru-nii asked.  "Ye-yeah...Hakshuuu~!!"

I sneezed again.......   It's getting a-a little cold......My eyesight got blurry for a minute..  then it became clear.  What's happening, am I falling?  I fainted, "Co-cold..."  I was shivering, "Fuyu, hang on!!"  I heard Subaru-nii's voice,

"Fuyu-chan!!!!!!"  I saw Ema-nee-chan and Tsubaki-nii going to me, "Hang on!"  Azusa-nii-said.  "Let's hurry!"  Natsume-nii-said.  "Nee-chan...."  Wataru sniffed.....  


I woke up, "Seems you don't have a fever, Fuyu-chan."  I saw Louis-nii, I hugged him immediately, "You're back!!!"  I was relieved.  "I am back."  He patted my head.  I hugged him longer and I don't want to let go, "What's wrong?

Do you have a problem?"  Louis-nii asked.  "No......I just miss you."  I said and he patted my head.  "You should just fainted, and your sneezing is really bad, Fuyu-chan.  Masaomi-nii will check it for you, later."
Louis-nii explained, he patted my head and went outside..........  Masaomi-nii?..................  ._______.  @/////////////@  

I heard someone knock after a few minutes, "Co-come in."  I sounded like an idiot.  Masaomi-nii went inside, he didn't speak....  We were both in an awkward situation, "Hello, onii-chan..."  I spoke.

"Hello, too, Fuyu-chan..."  Masaomi-nii answered back, .//////////////.  "Sooooo~  are you going to check my sneezing problems?"  I asked.  "Oh, yeah... So,do you sneee often?"  He asked.  "Ye-yeah....everytime, but I don't have a cold,

nothing's wrong in me.."  I explained.  "Hmmm, that's weird.....many someone is really talking about you or thinking about you."  He explained and he blushed a little....  Someone is thinking or talking about me?........

My heart skipped a beat.  "Yo-you should rest for now, Fuyu-chan."  Masaomi-nii said, and patted my head.  ~///////~  

I closed my eyes, someone pressed the doorbell of my door..  Hmm, they could've just knocked...  I opened the door, I saw Iori-nii-chan....... ~//////////~  @///////////@  MERUTO!!!!!!  My heart is melting!!  >  <  

I saw Iori-nii-chan brought some food for me, "Since you don't feel well, I'm here to bring you some food and water....  Oh...and here..."  Iori-nii-chan gave me a rose in a vase....  -/////////-  "A-ah....thank you...  ^/////^"

He smiled, and brought in the cart full of food and water.......  "I'm sorry for the trouble."  "No, it's okay."  He didn't bother, and he went out.  

............................What should I do?...........  "3"

=======CHAPTER END===========

(A/N:  External link!!!!)

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