Chapter 19: Edward Scissorhands! Detective Wataru investigates! -Part 1-

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I was at the hospital in a weekend, watching Fuyu sleep quietly in the bed.  I feel bad for her, just look at those wounds, it looks that she was actually going to be murdered by someone...   

"Ne, Chi-chan, do you know how this happened?"  Juli climbed up in my shoulder.  "Ukyo-nii and the others are still finding the culprit."  I explained.  "Hmmm, those wounds are not just injured by physical contact.."  Juli told me.

"Eh?  How did you know?"  I was surprised.  "Just look, it looks like a blade pierced through her skin, right?"  Juli pointed to Fuyu's pierced arm.  "You're right....  Why didn't I notice that?  You're actually clever, Juli."

I gave him a nut.  He then took it and ate it.  


I was at my room, it was dark, nothing but a lamp turned on..  I had all the information messed up in my desk, as I looked at them, and read them one by one.  "I need more clues..."  I went to my closet and wore my detective costume

and I was holding a magnifying glass.  Don't worry, onee-chan!!  Detective Wataru saves the day!!!   I went out of my room, "Wataru, where are you going?"  I looked back and I saw Masaomi-nii, "I'll go investigate."

I told him and ran away.  "Wa-wataru!!!"  Masa-nii tried to stop me.  "I'll see you later."  I waved and the elevator went down.  I walked everywhere and my instinct tells me that I should go to the park, my footsteps got

faster and I arrived at the park, and I saw Tsuba-nii and Azusa-nii at the park.  "Tsuba-nii, Azusa-nii, why are you here?"  I asked.  "We're also solving the crime."  They explaiend to me in sync.  "Ha-ha??!!!"  I got surprised.

It seems I have a rival!!!  I need to get the culprit/s before they solve the crime!!!  "Well, I'll just look around."  I went and look around the park, when I used my magnifier, I saw a piece of paper, and I just noticed

that it had a message.  'Edward Scissorhands'   Is this red paint?  I slid my finger through the paint, but it's texture was somewhat thick and I dropped the paper on the ground, "Oh my god!  I just touched blood!!!"  I got scared and wiped it on 

my clothes.  "What happened, Wataru?"  The twins came back to me, "!!!!  It's nothing!"  I laughed.  "You gave us a fright, if something happened to you, then me and Azusa will be in trouble."  Tsuba-nii told me.

"Well, why don't you two be my sidekicks?"  I asked them.  "Huh?"  Tsuba-nii tilted his head.  "Okay, here's the sitch, if we solve the case then we get to kiss Fuyu-nee-chan."  I told them.  "I approve."  Tsuba-nii joined the party.

I looked at Azusa-nii, "Well, if Tsuba-nii is going to join, then me too."  He also joined.  "Okay!!!  Let's start!!!"  We investigated the park, and after some few hours we all gathered.  "So, did you find anything?"  I asked.

"Well, I found this."  I saw Azusa-nii holding a handkerchief,  I used my magnifying glass to scan it's small details, I was shocked.  "Look, Fuyu-nee-chan's name is embroidered in it."  I pointed.

"You're right!"  Tsuba-nii agreed.  "And it seems to be soaked in blood."  Azusa-nii looked at it.  "We better tell this to the others!"  Tsuba-nii suggested.  "E-eh?  But what about the deal?"  I asked.

"Sorry Wataru-chan, we need to tell this to the others."  "Hmmmm, alright..."  I pouted.


After a few minutes of walking, we went back to our home, and Masaomi was worried about me, "Nii-chan, we found something!"  I told him.  "Huh?  What is it?"  Then Azusa-nii gave the hankerchief to Masa-nii.

"Blo-blood..."  Tsuba-nii took it away.  "But Fuyu-nee-chan's name is embroidered in it."  I explained and he got surprised.  "And I just remembered something, I saw a piece of paper in the bushes, and it has a message written

Edward Scissorhands...  so that must be connected in the situation."  I told to them.  "Edward Scissorhands?  You mean that delinquent who uses blades every night?"  Azusa-nii spoke.

"What murderer?"  I asked.  "He's the trend these days, he seems to have hurt many people these past few days, but I'm glad that they didn't die though."  The elevator opened and we saw Ema-nee-chan.

"Guys, I have something to tell you!"  She panted.  "What is it?"  Masa-nii asked.  "Fuyu's wounds are not injured by physical contact, but it seems that it was pierced by blades.."  She explained.

And the climax is just right there, heading it's way.  We need more clues!


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