Special Chapter no. 2 (Last-runner up {1}) (MasaomixFuyu)

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Title:  When I come home, my sister pretends to be dead.  


I laid down on my stomach, facing the floor and I had a knife on my back.  "Teehee~"  No one was coming home yet...  "Eh?"  I opened the door and no one was coming back home..  I frowned, and sat down..

I just waited for everyone...  Everyone was so busy, they didn't have time for me, even Wataru...  I made a paper plane and was at the terrace, i threw the paper plane and sighed...  "I wish they know how I feel..."

Then I heard the elevator.......  I smirked.  "Ehehehhehehehehehehehehe~"  I did my position and put fake blood at the floor.  "I'm home."  Masaomi-nii went in, he didn't scream or anything.


When I opened the door, I saw my little sister, Fuyu, at the floor, with a knife sticking out in her back....  The carpets are all bloodstained,  if a stranger see this, he or she might faint.... like me....I calmed down,

"It looks like today is going to be hard...to clean up."  I laughed.  Fuyu's face was down but she was satisfied, but Fuyu laughed, "Kukuku~"  When I get home these days, Fuyu-chan pretends to be dead.  

What kind of death will she give tomorrow?  I thought to myself.  I can't even start imagining..  I picked her up, "Come, let's clean the floor."  I told her, she nodded with her bright smile.  I wonder why this is so satisfying for her, it's

scary, actually..  But nevermind, I'm with my precious little sister.  


One day, she had an arrow through her head, she was lying on the wall.  Me and my brothers were worried, thinking she was a crazy but I'm sure she has a reason.   At the end of the day when we come home, she always

pretends to be dead, "Ne, Masaomi, I think you should check her in at the mental, I'm worried at Fuyu..."  Kyo told me.  "I bet she has a reason that's why she's doing this, am I right?"  I asked calmly.  

"Maybe your right....but I'm not a pyschologist!!!"  He shouted.  "Maa~ maa~"  I tried to calm Kyo down.  "Ne, nii-chan, will you be coming home early tomorrow?"  Fuyu asked with an innocent face.  "U-umm...I'll be coming late."

I explained to her.  "Ehhh~  Is that so?"  She walked away but I could've swore I saw her frown as soon I said her that.  Is that the reason?  Maybe it's just my imagination.....  

"I'm cooking dinner~!!!"  She went to the kitchen, So I wish she at least cooks us dinner with an arrow on her head, still with a smile on her face.  


One day, she was dressed like a soldier holding a gun.  I sweatdropped, Where did she get those?  I woke her up, "Onii-chan!!"  She hugged me, I blushed.  "You're back~!!!  But it's 8 pm already....................."  She frowned again.

"I'll go back early as soon as I can!"  I told her.  "Really~?!"  Her cheeks became pink when she smiled.  "Arigato, nii-chan~"  She hugged me again.  "Now I must go back to the army!!!"  She went to her room.

I chuckled then sighed..  I'll do everything to make her happy!  Like what she wrote me that day, a song of love and I must pay her back!  


The next day, I came home late..  I saw her with a dead sunfish costume...  (.____.)  I think I had closed the door on her....  I woke her up again, and she removed the costume.  We cleaned again, 

After cleaning it (the mess on the floor) it becomes quite a pain washing the bloodstains of the carpet.  When I always get home, my little sister pretends to be dead.  If I compliment her a little she gets all caught up in it,

so I my best to ignore it.  But I wonder.....why does she have to pretend like a dead victim?  I need to ask her...  I'm getting worried, and a little curious about Fuyu-chan's habit.


Me, Wataru, and Masaomi-nii always play with eachother before but today he's really busy with work.  He must be busy with his other buddies in his work, maybe he's got a girlfriend too!!!!!!!!  O___O  Nooo!!  I'm sure, he doesn't have..

one.......  I gulped.  Someone rang my doorbell, "Ah, Hai~!"  I opened the door and I saw Masaomi-nii.  "Did I bother you?"  He asked.  "Oh, not at all!!"  My spirit was energetic.  "Come in!!"  I pulled him lightly and I sat down on the floor while

he was sitting down on the bed.  "I just want to ask you something."  He told me.  "What is it?"  I approached Masaomi-nii and sat beside him at the bed.  "Why do you pretend to be dead...when someone comes home or I come home?"

He asked and I flinched, then blushed...  "it's because......"  I looked away.  "What if we all came back and you were actually dead!"  He shouted and I widened my eyes, he accidentally pinned me down.  

"O-onii-chan.....  I frowned a little..  I didn't know what to do and hugged him, "I just want everyone's attention!  You all are so busy, I'm starting to get very lonely and I feel alone!!"  I explained while trembling trying to hold back tears.

Masaomi-nii hugged me back, "So, that's why............please stop...I don't want to see you die..  even if it's fake."  He hugged me harder and I felt warm.  I nodded, "Promise?"  He asked while holding he's pinky out.

He treated me like a kid.  I blushed, "Promise!  ^///////////^"  We did the pinky swear today.  "Oh, and Fuyu-chan."  "Wha-  Mn!"  Masaomi-nii suddenly kissed me and I was caught off guard, my heart skipped a beat.

I closed my eyes and our lips were both pressed together.  He stopped, and I looked away.......   "I love you, Fuyu-chan."  He confessed and I saw him bring out Usa-tan.  "I promise to come back early."  Usa-tan played Masaomi's

records.  I blushed and hid my face with my hands, "Lie or I'll pretend to be dead, break the promise and everything would be broken~!"  I winked.  He nodded, and I saw him bring out my song that I wrote for him last last week.

"Sing it for me."  He said.........  I blushed.  "Okay!"  I started singing 'Ai Kotoba' to Masaomi-nii.  

It was like yesterday, having fun with Nii-chan. 

==========SPECIAL~ CHAPTER END============

(A/N:  Like a oneshot, Lol.  Did you like it?  O__O)

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