Chapter 4: Summer vacation at Miwa's private island!

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Juli was just beside Fuyu, "Ne!  Wake up, Fuyu-chii!!"  Juli poked Fuyu's cheeks.  She opened her eyes, "Go away~"  She covered her face with a pillow.  "Ne!!!!!!!"  Juli jumped at Fuyu's stomach, "What...."  Fuyu groaned.

"You are all going to have your summer vacation."  Juli explained.  "What about it?"  Fuyu groaned.  "You're all going to wear swimsuits, you need to have the most appeal, Fuyu-chii!!  Or they'll flirt with Chi!!  You're part of the club

right!"  Juli poked Fuyu's arms, Fuyu looked like an idiot.  "Haaahhhhhh????!!!  Why?"  Fuyu shouted, "Look, it seems my claws are sharpened."  Juli's claw were sharp as a knife, "Okay, okay.  But first of all, I don't have a swimsuit."

Fuyu explained and grinned a little.  "Then we'll buy!  If you don't approve then I'll scratch you with this, and you need to ask for money."  Juli grabbed Fuyu's sleeve, "Okay, okay!"  Fuyu change her clothes first before going out,

she went to Ukyo.  "Nii-san, can I have money?"  Fuyu asked.  "What will you buy?"  Ukyo asked.  "A swimsuit."  Fuyu said with an embarassed face.  Ukyo gave her 10,000 yen.  


"I guess he wants the most expensive swimsuit when you wear it."  Juli stared at the cash that Ukyo gave to me.  "Well, let's go."  I went out of the house and went to the mall. "Listen, Fuyu-chii, you need to look like a model so they

can be head-over-heels over you."  Juli said.  "Isn't that too much?"  I sweatdropped.  "And what's the point, Ema-nee-chan is prettier than me."  I protested because I really don't want to do this.  "We'll buy some hair extensions!

Just see!"  Juli pointed at the store where swimsuits are.  I walked inside, "Good morning, mam.  What kind of swimsuit do you like?"  The woman at the counter said, "Umm, a swimsuit that costs 10, 000 yen. Teehee~"

Then the woman shown me two swimsuits, one was a one-piece and the other was a two-piece.  "Pick the two-piece, Fuyu-chii."  Juli said, "The two-piece."  I grabbed the swimsuit and changed inside the changing room.

I looked at myself at the mirror, and my leg's scars are gone.....  "Hmmm, how does it heal so fast?"  "Fuyu-chii, are you done?"  Juli said from outside.  I went outside and Juli saw me, he was staring at me for quite tooooooo long.

"Oi, are you going to say something, does it tickle your fancy, I haven't got all day."  I snapped him back to reality, "It fits you and it will be a surprise as soon as we get to the private island."  Juli explained.  

"Mrs.  I'll buy this."  I changed back to my normal clothes and bought the swimsuit.  "Now, hair extensions!!!!"  Juli said.  "We don't need that, my hair reaches until at the back, it's looks short because it's in a very tight braid."

I explained.  "Oh really then, then let's go back!!!"  Juli pointed outside and we went back home.  "Is Ema-nee-chan worried about you?"  I asked Juli, "She's still asleep, I know it."  I went in and went back to my room.


"So, what kind of swimsuit did you buy, Fuyu-chan?"  Ukyo asked.  "Worth 10,000 yen, I guess.  It'll be a surprise."  "And we'll go to the private island after eating breakfast, so make sure to pack your things."  Ukyo explained.

"Okay, thanks for saying."  I thank Ukyo-nii-chan, and packed all of my things.  


We were already at the private island, I was about to vomit, "Fuyu-chan, are you alright?"  Ema-nee-chan patted my back, "I'm still feeling seasick."  I was turning green.  "Here."  Ema-nee-chan gave me an empty vomiting bag.

-CENSORED-  "Aah~  I'm feeling better now, thank you."  I thanked Ema-nee-chan, "So, you can swim about now, it's not that hot anyway."  Ukyo said.  I saw Juli and he gave me the eye contact.  I nodded and 

they all changed to their swimsuits.  "Nee~  Are you going to change to your swimsuit, Fuyu-chan~?"  Tsubaki-nii-chan asked.  "I think later."  I said to him.  I walked to Ema-nee-chan, "Ema-nee-chan, you look wonderful!"

I complimented her, "Th-thank you Fuyu-chan, how about you, aren't you going to change?"  Ema-nee-chan asked me.  "Well, later."  I said to her and she understood.  "Can I borrow Juli for a while?"  I asked her.

"Sure."  She gave me Juli.  "Now the boys are going near, change!!!!!!"  Juli shouted.  "Sheesh, I'm going!  I'm going!"  I ran to the changing rooms.  After changing, I let my hair down and I saw a new me in the mirror.

"Well, go out!!!"  Juli shouted.  "Okay!!"  I went out of the changing room.  "Good thing, there's no one here."  I wiped the sweat out of my face.  Okay, now to spy outside.  I looked outside and I saw my onii-chan/s

is already flirting with nee-chan, "I'll protect Nee-chan!!"  Juli agreed and I grabbed the beach ball.  Here goes...  I hid at the coconut trees.  "Where is Fuyu-chan?"  The others asked....  I gulped.  

Goooooo!!!!!!!!  >__<    "Over here!!!!"  I waved and I got their attention.  >///////<  @//////////@  "D-d-d-d-do you like it?"  I was flushed and covered my face with the beach ball.  They were all staring at me.........  

Gaahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!   @///////@  "Let's play volleyball, shall we?"  I asked them.  "Sureeee!!!!!!!!"  They all shouted.  Juli gave me a thumbs up and I grinned.  


Man....Fuyu-chan is so cute....  Kaname kept staring at her.   Fuyu-chan passed the ball while she jumped.....  All of the boys were looking at her melons...  (A/N:  Slightly ecchi for comedy.)  

Subaru catched the ball with a skill called 'Dig'  "Heads up!!!!!!"  Subaru shouted.  Tsubaki made a strike, but Fuyu catched the beach ball.......  then she tripped......  "Fuyu-chan, are you alright?"  Ema picked Fuyu up,

and sand was all over her...  "I'm alright....."  She scratched her head, "E-eh!!  There's too much sand and it's a little itchy."  Fuyu scratched her arms..  I wish I was the sand...  The boys all thought inside their heads..  

"Well, it will only be removed if you swim."  Fuyu looked at the sea.  "Well, okay."  Fuyu stood up and went to the sea, and swam...  *___*  Kawaiiii~   The boys all thought..  

Then Fuyu's swimsuit wasn't that slightly knotted so her top was almost removed, "Fuyu-chan, you're top!"  Ema shouted and the boys all stared at her, "Eh?"  Almossstttttttt.........  O___O  The boys were staring....  

-CENSORED (Not hentai or lemon > <)  "Aaahh~"  BLAGGGAAADUMMMMM!!!!!!!  The boys had a nosebleed...  *ii*  But Fuyu catched her top while covering her chest, "Nee-chan."  Fuyu called Ema,

Ema started knotting her top tightly, "Now, it will not fall."  Ema smiled at Fuyu.  


Now I experienced fanservice and I'm the one who did it...  Q__Q  TT^TT  O^O  I went back to the changing room, "Ne ne~"  I heard Tsubaki at the back.....  "E-eh, what is it?"  I asked him while not facing him.

He grabbed my wrist with a tight grip, "Ni-nii-chan?!"  I felt his breath at the back of my body, ~//////~  Please.....Stopppu~   He kissed my back near my bottom.  EEEEEHHHHHHHH!!!!!  O///////O  @///////@ 

"Onii-chan!!!!"  I slapped him, he laughed.  "You saw my bookmark at my manga, didn't you??!!"  He looked at the moment when Usui kissed Misaki's back.    

My face was flushed, Juli got mad.  "Stay away from her!"  Juli got mad.  I went in the changing room and locked it, I looked at my back......  There's nothing.....   "B-baka..."  I blushed.  I changed my clothes and went outside,

"Juli, let's go."  I picked Juli up when I got outside, I bumped at someone.  "Ah, I'm sorry, are you alright?  I saw Fuuto.....  I stood up by myself, "Ye-yeah, thank you for asking."  I'm having a bad mood again...  

(๑´ლ'๑)  "Well, you need to go back...  it's a little rainy and it's getting dark."  I looked at the sky and he smiled.  He grabbed my hand, "I'll go with you."  He hit my heart with his smile.  ´∀'

We held hands going to the cottage, "Ne, nee-chan, what's your name?"  Fuuto asked.  "My name is Shimada Fuyu."  I said to him while looking away.  I saw my cottage and I got away from Fuuto, "I'll go back to my cottage, bye!"  

I went in....  I sat down, "So Juli, how did I go?"  I asked Juli.  "It was good but are you sure that you're alright, Fuyu-chii?"  Juli was concerned.  "Ye-yeah, now go back to nee-chan.  I'll sleep for today."  Juli already went out and

I slept.  

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