Chapter 2: Talking pet?

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                           FUYU'S P.O.V

              "E-eh....We're siblings, onii-chan!  This is forbidden!!"  I panicked, his face came closer, I pushed it away.  "Nuuuu!!!  >  <  Please Nuuuuuu!!!"  He held both of my hands with a tight grip.  But he loosened it later.

                His face came closer and touched my hair.  I was completely still, it's like his eyes make me comfortable and the pace of his breathing calms me down.........  I closed my eyes tight.  "What's wrong?"  He asked.

              His smile......I can't smile like that.....  A smile that gives you joy..  But what is 'JOY' .........?  My vision was a little blurry and I passed out.  I could hear Tsubaki's voice..  "Fuyu?"  He kept shaking me.

             I was burning up...  I am a fragile one.  


              "Hmmmm~~~  hmmmmmm~ hummmmm~~~."  I heard Louis-nii-chan's voice.  "H-hot....."  I was sweating because of the hot atmosphere.  I coughed, "Drink some water to cool you down, Fuyu-chan."

                I saw Iori-nii-chan giving me water.  "Th-thank you."  I took the glass of the water and drank all of it.  "Sorry again for being a burden..."  I apologized.  "No, you're just heating up since it's still summer."  Louis-nii-chan said.

              I sobbed, "E-eh!?  What's wrong, Fuyu-chan?"  He asked.  (A/N:  Whenever gets a fever, she gets emotional..)  "I'm so sorry...."  I sobbed more.  "Calm down, Fuyu-chan."  Louis-nii-chan patted my back...

              I hugged him, "Louis-nii-chan only cares for me...  The others don't..."  I cried in his shoulder.  "N-no...I care for you."  Iori-nii-chan said to me...  I cried more..  Iori-nii-chan hugged me...  

            "You two only cared for me..."  I shouted........  "I guess she's emotional whenever she has a fever."  Louis-nii-chan explained...  "Ye-yes....I do..."  I confessed....   "I'll just rest......"  I went back to sleep again...


             I woke up and went out of the room...  I sighed, "Sheesh, I'm so feverish today."  I said to myself and went to the kitchen, "Aah~ You're awaka, Fuyu-chan."  I saw Ukyo, "Is it breakfast?"  I asked.  "Yes, you're just in time."

               He explained..  "Is that so?  By the way, I'm sorry for causing you problems."  I apologized.  "It's alright...  You're precious to us, Fuyu-chan."  He patted my head..  ~/////~  "Now, just sit down and wait for the food, alright?"

              He pulled a chair and let me sit down...  I just waited...   "Good Morning, Fuyu-chan."  Azusa passed by, "Good morning."  I greeted back.  He sat beside me and sat too close.........  ~///////~  Not again....  

             He held my hand, "Did Tsubaki-kun cause you problems again?"  He asked.  I nodded with a weird face, "Well, I'll handle that and protect you from him."  He hugged me....  =//////=  Hugging combo is unbreakable.....

           "Fuyu-nee-chan!!!"  Wataru ran to me hugging me, "Wataru-chan~"  I rubbed his head and made his hair messy.  "Let's play together later, after we eat."  He smiled brightly....  >///////<  Kawaiiiii!!!!!!

            "Hai~ Hai~"  I approved.  Wataru jumped and took a seat from the side, I saw Tsubaki walking by and sat at my right side....  -.-'  Ehh.......  May God bless me....?  I think not...  TTwTT  

           Ukyo-nii-chan already brought the food...  I never seen such a sight that he cooks food that looks so delicious....  I'm envious....but I get to taste it.  Before I ate, I prayed...  "Nee~  What are you doing?"  Tsubaki asked, I opened my right eye.

            "I'm praying, don't bother me."  Kamisama, thank you for the food that my new family made for us....and thank you for giving me such caring stepbrothers...too caring exactly...  I finished praying,

         "Itadakimasu~"  I said quietly and started eating.  I ate some of the omelet, so fluffy and yummy...I could eat this all day...  *-*  "You like the food, Fuyu-chan?"  Ukyo asked, I nodded.  "Yes, thank you for the food, Ukyo-nii-chan."

           I thanked him, "Next time, I'll cook breakfast!!!!"  Kaname-nii-chan raised his hand.  I sweatdropped.  *nom nom nom nom nom nom nom*   "I've never tasted food like this before."  I said to all of them and I caught their attention.
            "What do you mean, Fuyu-nee-chan?"  Wataru asked.  "In the orphanage, we only eat bread.... because that's all we can afford..."  I explained and I hear their sobbings...  E-eh.....  "If you just ate this today...let me feed you!"

             Tsubaki opened my mouth, "E-ehhhh???!"  He grabbed my chin, "No, I'll feed her!"  Azusa borrowed me from Tsubaki, "No, it should be me, since I cooked the food."  Ukyo-nii-chan was almost feeding me.  "I should be since

             I care for Fuyu-chan the most."  Louis-nii-chan protested.  ...........................................Gehhhh!  "Mou!!!!!!!!   Stop it!!!!!!!!!!"  I shouted.  They all went silent and sat down, "Just let me eat peacefully!  I just spoke about what I ate,

              I didn't tell you to feed me or anything!!"  >__<  "Kowaiiii... [Scary...]"  Wataru spoke.  I sighed, "Now, let's eat peacefully."  I sat down and continued eating.  After eating, I gathered all the plates.  "I'll wash."

              I put it all to the basin, This is quite heavy.....  I walked to the basin, as I took a step, I slipped...  There was a ball, a basketball at the floor...  "Huwaaaahhhh!!!"  I tried to catchthe plates but the problem is, I'm going to fall.

            Someone carried me, "Are you alright?  That was close...."  It was Subaru-nii-chan.  "Th-thank you..."   "I'm sorry."  He apologized.  "Why?"  I asked.  "You almost fell down because of my ball."  He picked up the basketball at the floor.  "That's okay, now I'll go watch the dishes."  I put all of the plates inside the basin.  

             I hummed while I washed the plates, "Hummm~  Hummm~"  Someone wrapped arms around my waist, "Wataru-chan."  I smiled.  "Let's play video games after!"  He jumped.  "After I wash these plates and I'll go to your room."

             I said to him and he hurried to his room.  


            I went inside Wataru's room, "Wataru-chan, let's play you're video game."  What is a video game, exactly?....  "Yeah!"  He gave me a weird thing, "What's this?"  I asked.  "Nee-chan, you never played a video game before?"

             He asked with a frown, I shooked my head.  "Then let me teach you!"  "Sheesh, you never saw a controller?"  Someone spoke.  "What did you say?"  I asked Wataru, "Nothing, nee-chan..."  "But I heard someone speak...

             Nevermind...."  "You can hear me?"  I saw Ema-nee-chan's pet speaking to me.  "Wataru-chan, it's talking to me!!"  I pointed at the pet, "You mean Juli?"  Wataru picked Juli up.  "I can speak, and I'm always toyed by Wataru."

             Juli explained, "I can hear him speaking!!"  I explained to Wataru.  "Nee-chan, are you feeling sick?  You got fever a while ago, we should play next time or I'll cause you problems."  Wataru frowned and pushed me lightly out of the room.  I sighed.  "Hey you!!"  I saw Juli at my feet, I crouched down.  "What is it?"  I asked.  "I think all of the boys in here are wolves." Juli explained, I picked him up and put him in the palm of my hand.  

            "What do you mean, Juli?"  I asked.  Wolves?  How?  "I hate some of them, that's why I protect Chi-chan.  Would you join our club?"  Juli asked me, "Club?"  "To protect Chi-chan."  He explained.

           "First, who's 'Chi-chan?'"  I asked Juli.  "It's Hinata Ema."  "Ohh~  Sure...what do you mean protect?"  I asked again.  "Never let the stepbrothers lay a hand on her, got it?"  He pointed at me with an angry expression...

           "Sure..."  "Yeah!!  But you all have the attention so Chi-chan is often disturbed by those wolves."  Juli explained.....  "Well, bye for now.  Go back to nee-chan."  I put Juli down.  

              ..................................................Did I just dream of Nee-chan's pet talking to me?  O_O  I walked to my room but I saw some books lying on the ground...  "What's this?"  I asked myself and picked the book up..

           "A manga?"  The title was "Kaichou wa Maid Sama"  I read the manga right to left in every page...........  "Usui, I wish I can find you some day and I'll be the Misaki in our love story!!"  I cried when I finished the whole manga.

          "What?  Did you call me?"  Tsubaki hugged me at my back, "E-eh!!"  ~///////~  You're not my Usui...  :<  Go home, Nii-chan, you're drunk...  TTwTT    "Can you stop hugging me?  It's a little akward..."  I said to him.

         "No, I won't let you go."  He hugged me tighter, then I felt that we both sat down in a couch.  "Hey, I'm heavy aren't you struggling back there?"  I asked.  "I can't feel anything, you're very light."  He said.

           "Why won't you let me go?"  >  <  I was struggling but his hug was too tight.  "So warm..."  I said to myself, "You like my cuddle?"  Tsubaki-nii-chan overheard my words.  "I-I didn't say anything, nothing at all."  I blushed.

         He hugged me tighter, and burried his face in my neck.  O///////O  Stahp!!!   "You smell like strawberries, Fuyu-chan."  He spoke. shouldn't do that.  =////////=  "Nii-chan, why do you do this?"

          I asked.  "Because I love you."  "Haaahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!   >  <  That's impossible!!!   We're siblings!!!!"  I panicked.  "Calm down!"  He covered my eyes and kissed my neck.  O///////O  >/////////<  @/////////@  

            I closed my eyes tight, with my flushed face.  Should I call this torture, or is this the tradition of the people who live in Sunrise Residence?  Tsubaki-nii-chan laughed and he was still hugging me.

           "Oi, she's mine for today."  Azusa-nii-chan took me from Tsubaki-nii-chan.  "He-hey, wait!"  They were both pulling each of my arms.  Just let me leave peacefully in this home!  ;___;  

           I saw Juli at the side, "Good Luck, Fuyu-chii."  He walked away...  Juli!!!!  >o<  ;____;  TT__TT    What will happen from now on?................  

                            ==========CHAPTER END===========

              A/N:  I will post the picture of Fuyu-chan and Tsubaki later, for the one who's reading.  I'll try Fuuto and the others show up in the next chapter.  :)


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