Chapter 11: Subaru-nii's birthday

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P.S:  Only vote for two couples, okay?


Many events happened between my brothers.  I sighed, "I wish I can be normal between my brothers.....but my heart picks a different path...."  Called Love...  I saw Masaomi-nii-chan, I covered my face and ran away from him,

"Ah~  Wait, Fuyu-chan!"  He said to me, "No, no, no, no!!!  >__<"  I ran away from him, and I bumped at the twins...  @////////////////@  "Ne, you like me right, Fuyu-chan?"  Tsubaki-nii teased, "No, I know, Fuyu is head over heels to me."

Azusa and Tsubaki-nii started fighting, "You're all bothering her, am I right, Fuyu-chan?"  Iori picked me up.  Natsume-nii, where are you??!!!!  >___<    "Oi, stop!!!!!"  Yusuke shouted.  

>~<  Help me, my fellow onii-chans!!!!  Except for the others.  "Nee-chan, what's wrong?"  Wataru popped out of nowhere, "Wataru-chan!!!"  I hugged him, "Eh!!!!!?????"  They all shouted, "Help me~!"  I hugged him hard,

"I-I'll do my best to protect, nee-chan!!"  Wataru hugged back.


"La~ la~ la~  *__*"  I was washing the plates because Ukyo-nii-chan asked me to.  "Oh yeah, Fuyu-chan, can I trouble you to buy these?"  He asked, "Oh sure..."  I skimmed the paper, "It's Subaru's birthday tomorrow, and

and I'll have you buy these things."  Ukyo-nii-chan explained, "Really~?!  Can I make the cake?  (´∀´)"   I asked him.  "Oh, sure.  Thank you."  He patted my head.  After washing the plates, I went first to nee-chan,

"Nee-chan, can I borrow Juli?"  I opened the door of her room, "Ah~ Sure."  He gave me Juli.  Juli went to my right shoulder, "So, what now?"  Juli asked.  "I'm going to buy some groceries."  I explained to him.

"Eh??!!!  Why me?"  He shouted in my ear, "Well, I'm bored, just wanted to be with you."  I said to Juli and he was silent, "Oh....okay."  He then spoke.  

We reached the grocery store, I bought soda, beer, some ingredients for Subaru-nii's cake, candles, and many things from Ukyo's list, added with nuts for Juli.


"So many......   >___<"  The groceries were hard to bring because it was heavy, Maybe if Subaru-nii-chan saw me, he will laugh at me because I'm weak!!  I'm not strong like him!!  >__<  


"Ohohohohohohohohoho~"  Subaru-nii-chan laughed at me.  I scratched my head, "What a weakling!!"  He teased.  "Can you please make me strong like you, nii-chan!!!!???"  I asked him desperately.

"Hmm~  then do 1000 push-ups!"  I did 1000 push-ups as what nii-chan said to me.

*Fuyu doing 1000 push-ups while Subaru sitting own on her*  


*__*   I was fantasizing.  I tripped but managed to save the groceries, "Fuyu-chan, are you alright?"  Juli asked, "Ye-yeah."  I sat down with the groceries surrounding me, I sneezed.  "Yeah, I am...I bet Subaru-nii

is ten times stronger than me, huh?  I'm just a weakling..."  I scratched my head like an idiot.  I heard a footstep from the back, "What's wrong, Fuyu-chan?"  Juli asked.  "I just heard something....Well, let's go."  

I heard something there, I wonder who might that be?  "Watch out!!!"  I heard Subaru-nii's voice, he pushed me and we both fell down, a truck passed by.  "Fuyu-chan, are you alright?!!!!"  Juli asked.  

I wasn't able to speak because........because.........@///////////@   "O-onii-chan...?"  I asked him, "What?!"  He was panting, "Watch what you touch....  @_____@"  He was touching my chest.  

He let go of it, and we're both in an awkward situation, "Ah~  Sorry!.........."  Subari-nii stood up, and helped me stand up, "I'll bring those."  Subaru-nii helped me brought the groceries.


I was fixing since me and Subaru are the only one at home, The others will come back later night.  


Me and Subaru saw eachother again, we both blushed because of the situation earlier...  @w@  My chest, my first time being touched by a brother, oh yeah!!  He's my sibling!!!  But he's a boy that touched my chest!!  >__<  

"A-ah...sorry for a while ago.  It was an accident."  Subaru-nii-chan scratched his head while blushing, "Ah, it's okay..."  Is it????!!!!!!!  Well, at least he's not like a monk that he never felt that he touched someone's chest...


NEXT DAY.........  

I made strawberry shortcake.  ^__^  I love strawberries!!!!  I sang while making strawberry shortcake, "Waahh~"  I saw Wataru looking at me baking, "It looks delicious, onee-chan!!!"  Wataru complimented,

~/////////////~  Wataru soo kawaii~!  "Thank you, Wataru-chan.  Next time, I'll make you cake when I have free time."  I winked then Wataru hugged me, "Yeah~!"  Wataru smiled brightly,  

Ukyo-nii-chan came back, "Ah~!  Welcome home~!!!"  I said brightly while putting the strawberries at top.  "Ah~  thank you.  Now, I'll do the decorating before Subaru comes home."  Ukyo-nii said.  

I continued decorating the shortcake and finished..  

I helped Ukyo decorate the living room, I saw Subaru-nii already at the front of our home, "He's here!!!!!!!"  I shouted and the others went down..  Subaru-nii was about to open the door and I activated the confetti popper,

"Happy Birthday~!!!!!!!!"  We all shouted and Subaru-nii-chan was surprised, he blushed.  "A-ah...Thank you."  He said.  

We celebrated his birthday, and the cake was.......  *_____*  "Oishhhii~!!!  I never thought this was delicious~!"  I said to myself.  "Wait, you never made a cake before?"  Ukyo-nii asked.  "Noo, this is my first time."

I explained while eating the cake.  "That's great, you should make some more, Fuyu-chan."  Tsubaki-nii said.  "I'm only making it for Wataru."  I pouted.  "Ehh~"  Tsubaki-nii pouted too.

There was one slice of cake left, I tried to get it, but Subaru-nii was about to, "Ah~  You get it, since your the birthday man!"  I panicked.  "Oh, you get it.  I'm full anyway."  He gave me the last slice of the cake........

I took one spoon of the cake, "Suba-nii?"  I asked.  "Wha-"  I fed him the cake, "Is it delicious?"  He was blushing.........  ^___^  0__0  -////////-  ~////////~  I'm really an idiot!!  I let go of the spoon,

the others were looking at us, "I'm very sorry...."  I apologized.  I went upstairs to relieve my blushing....  >///////<  Why did I do that!!!??  I act before I think.  >~<  


TIME SKIP.........

I went out of my room and I saw them at the living room, I overheard their conversation, "Ne~ Subaru, I envy you getting fed by Fuyu-chan."  Tsubaki-nii clinged onto Subaru.  Subaru didn't speak but he blushed,

"What did it feel like?"  Tsuba-nii asked.  "I get annoyed......her annoying personality pisses me off."  Subaru-nii.........  Q______Q  You hurt me right in the kokoro!!!!!!!!!  "If Fuyu-chan heard that, she'll cry right in front of you."

Azusa said.....  Q_____Q  I'm already crying right now..........  Am I really that annoying to him?  Tears fell from my eyes, I saw Subaru-nii, I ran quickly to my room......  I sat down at the floor, trembling trying to hold back tears..

"I-i'm sorry........I didn't mean to.."  I heard Subaru-nii from the back..  I didn't speak, I was trembling.  I looked at him and sat down at the bed.


Those blue eyes making tears.   I can't say no to that!!  "Look, I didn't mean to say's because.....I got embarassed that's all and........I didn't really mean that.....So I'm sorry."  I bowed.

She was still sniffing, How do I make her feel better?  "A-apology....accepted...but I'll feel better if you hug me."  She was cute imouto material, -///////////-  I went near to her but I tripped and accidentally pushed her to bed,

our foreheads bumped to eachother and I feel dizzy.  


"O-onii-chan?"  His eyes closed and our lips almost touched, I can feel his hot breath near my mouth.  Huuuuuuuuuuuuuwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   @/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////@  

Nii-chan, you're drunk!!!!
 "Oi, what's happeniNG HEEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEE!!!"  Tsubaki-nii shouted, "Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!"  I shouted because he surprised me.

Tsubaki-nii pulled Subaru, "I'll get my chance with you too, Fuyu-chan."  Tsubaki-nii teased.  @______________@  I collapsed.  @w@  

========CHAPTER END=========

(A/N:  External link, please comment or PM me if you already voted.)

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