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After michael leave for heaven he proceed to watch the other part of the country and he notice a part of japan has a monster that needs to eradicate..

Michael ( mind )- what kind of monster is this who dissapears in the fog??!

Uriel- brother what is that monster??

Michael- i really dont have any idea..

Uriel- can you see the face???  Indeed  a human?? But what is this k8nd of monstrosity..

Michael- indeed we need to watch it carefully before we can contact the witcher.

Uriel- ahh that friend of yours who is killimg the monsters at kuoh..

Michael- indeed. He has more knowledge when it comes to mosters like we do..

Uriel- indeed..i never saw this kind of being a humanoid monsters and he has a long sharp nails??

Michael- indeed  but we need to watch it carefully..

Several hours later

Michael- my goodness!!!

Uriel- a vampire!!!

Michael- ineldeed!! But i never i  mean ever saw this kind of a vampire..

Uriel- we need to eradicate this being!!!

Michael-as for now leave it..tomorrow i will contact the witcher and go to that town..

Uriel- yagami town???

Michael- indeed...it may be far but i can guide him there..we cant  use our power there..

Uriel- indeed what are you going to do..

Michael- i cam hide his identity or even his eyes..as for his weapon i can deliver it when he is arrive..and i will provide him a temporary shelter for a while. And we will make him an exchange student for the time being...

Uriel- undestood..michael i will go to yagami first. I have a contact there..

Michael- who???

Uriel- he! He! He! The principal of the yagami high!

Michael- alright....

Uriel- i will go there tomorrow too..

Michael  nodded

Time skip

Morning has arrive both angels meet again to go to their missions.

Michael- ahh uriel good morning..

Uriel- good morning michael. I will go to yagami high today to talk to the principal and to process the witchers exchange student program.

Michael- i will go to talk to sona and rias i need their permission to his program. By the way the name of the witcher was y/n l/n..

Uriel- understood..

Uriel dissapear via magic circle..

Location yagami high

Uriel arrive aarive at yagami high he was wearing a formal dress and go to the principal's office.and whe he arrive there he knocks on the door and it reveals the principal.

Uriel- good morning my friend!

Principal- ahh! Yuri! Good morning come please..

( i will  use uriel alias as yuri )

Principal- my friend what brings you here??

Uriel-my friend i have come here for my friends request for the school  program..

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