Forty Eight

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"Don't you have something else better to do then drooling over my father." I asked with a fake smile. "Stephanie, you're family to me. I'll do whatever it takes to bring you back." She nods. "Whatever you and my mom had in the past, I want no part in it. You're not family to me." I said. Elena furrows her eyebrows and looks back up at my father. "Is there any witch here who can bring Bonnie back. Just like the old times." She asks biting her lower lip nervously.

"I don't think it's possible. Bonnie has sacrificed her life since day one." My father sighs. "It doesn't hurt to try." She nodded. "Pathetic." I scoffed. "She's dead, she can't be brought back. Magic can't balance the dead all the time." I shook my head. "Damon, she's pale. She needs a blood bag." She says looking up at him. "We can't simply trust her Elena." Elena walks up to cell, kneeling down. she slides the blood bag over. "Just because her humanity is off doesn't mean anything, she's still a kid." She shrugs.

Grabbing the blood bag, I ripped open the top aggressively and began to drank. Feeling the blood flow through my veins made me feel alive again. "I feel better all ready." I smirked. Elena got back up, unlocking the cellar my father pulls Elena by the arm. "What are you doing." He asks. "Letting her go, she's not monster. You're doing the same thing we did with Stefan." I looked back up at Elena and smiled. "Well, Elena comes in and saves the day." I scoffed.

Getting up I walked out of the cell and made eye contact with my father

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Getting up I walked out of the cell and made eye contact with my father. "Mom will be disappointed." I sighed before walking away. "Josie." I call out, Josie notices me and try's to walk away. Vamping running in front of her. her breathing started to quicken. "What's the matter." I asked. "I'm busy Stephanie, can we talk another time." She said holding tightly onto her books. "No, we can talk now. Class doesn't start till ten minutes from now." I said.

"There's nothing to talk about Stephanie. I'm just glad my father wasn't dead." She said furrowing her eyebrows. "I mean, did you even know he had the ring on." She asks. "No, not that I cared really. He deserved it." I shrugged. "You know everyone has lost a loved one in this school, but that doesn't give you a right to hurt others." She said, causing me to clear my throat.

"Maybe if you weren't so weak all the time Jo." I sighed. "Maybe your weak, you're the one who shut your humanity, am I right." She said. I flared my nostrils and went up close to Josie's face. "Don't you think your sister should be next." I smiled mischievously. "You keep her out of this Stephanie." She said shaking her head. "Or what." I tilted my head.

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