Chapter 7

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Sakura pov:

"Have fun Eren!" I said waving him off as he left the house, outside was Mikasa waiting for him wearing a really pretty dress and high heels.

I guess they were really serious about this date..but while they were on their date..I had one of my own!

I ran upstairs and threw on a pair of compression shorts , a sports bra and some sneakers because Sasuke invited me out with him today. Since it's Friday he told me that he enjoys playing basketball at a near by recreation center. So I'm going to join him, he also says it has a tumbling room which is more than great because I can practice new tricks of my own.

As I got dressed a few knocks were heard at my door.

"Come in!" I said.

"Sakura honey, Sasuke is waiting downstairs for you" she said walking in my room with a smile on her face.

"Alright I'll be down in a minute." I said putting a jacket and sweatpants over my exposed arms and legs.

Aunt Carla just kept staring and smiling at me.

"What is it Auntie?" I asked sheepishly as she looked at me.

"Oh nothing, just happy you and Eren have a boyfriend and girlfriend." She as I choked on air and stared at her wide eyed.

"WHAT?!? They aren't our boyfriend and girlfriends!" I exclaimed waving my hands dismissively.

"Oh dear no need being so defensive, I can see it clear as day, go out and enjoy yourself, stay safe and come back at a decent hour."

"Auntie I really think you got the wrong ide-"

"Sakura honey, Sasuke is waiting its not too polute to keep someone waiting." She said pushing me out the door.

It was no use she was going to stick to what she wanted to believe, thats Aunt Carla for ya.

Walking downstairs, Sasuke was sitting on the couch on his phone wearing a black hoodie with black sweatpants and sneakers.

"Here she is darling, you two have a wonderful time together!"   Carla said as we both nodded.

We walked outside as I walked towards Sasuke's car where he didn't open the doors.

"Sasuke?" I said his name.

"We can walk there it isn't far, plus its good exercise" he said.

"But won't it get dark?" I asked "Will it be safe?"

"You don't have to worry, you're with me." He said as my cheeks warmed a bit and he held his hand out.

I walked up and grabbed it as we began walking down the street together.

"So, is the tumbling room big and equipped good? I want to do a few drills to practice for try outs next week." I said.

"I don't really know, I never really went inside, I know kids once used it as a trampoline park inside the gym but the owner forbid anyone goes in if not for athletic use, so no one really uses it considering many girls don't go to the recreation center." He said. "So you should have it all to yourself." He said as I nodded.

The recreation room came into view after a good 15 minute walk where we greeted the rec workers at the front desk who allowed us to check in by writing our names down.

I ended up taking off my sweat pants and jacket, only now being in my work out compression shorts and sports bra.

"I'll sit with you for a bit before I go play basketball." He said as I nodded.

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