Chapter 39

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Not proofread or edited just yet😭Third person pov:

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Not proofread or edited just yet😭
Third person pov:

Elayna slowly began to come to opening her eyes, she realized she was on a bed. The bed had no sheets on it, stains, it had a rancid smell to it, one that made the child's nose twitch in discomfort .

Her eyes began to focus a bit more noticing the dark room she was in.

Immediately her first thought was Sarada.

Her eyes caught sight of her cousin laying on another bed in the room. Elayna weakly stood stumbling over to Sarada.

"Sarada." Elayna whispered nudging Sarada a bit.

Sarada sniffled a bit as she turned looking up at Elayna.

"Elayna..My..chest hurts." Sarada said in between breaths.

"You sure you didn't put your pump in your pocket?" Elayna said searching her skirt, and her jacket.

"No, I must've left it at school." Sarada said straining to talk.

"Okay, try taking deep breaths like Cousin Sakura teaches you." Elayna said.

Sarada nodded and began taking the deep breaths, but each one she took only made her chest tighten and hurt more. She was crying now, tears streamed as she clenched her shirt.

"It hurts." She cried.

"Okay, lay back down okay..I'll go find a water." Elayna said.

" can't.." Sarada said.

"Why not?" Elayna said.

"Your head, you're...hurt." Sarada pointed out.

Elayna touched the throbbing spot on her forehead, feeling the blood that was still fresh on her head.

"It's fine, we just need a water, and a way out." Elayna whispered.

"We'll get caught.." Sarada said. "Look..I still watch on.." she said.

Elayna's eyes lit up seeing Sarada's apple watch on her wrist.

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