Chapter 33

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Third Person Pov:

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Third Person Pov:

It was the day, the big day all of them had been waiting for, graduation. Some were crying others were cheering and three individuals were plotting.

They watched from a distance how Sakura and her group of friends talked. Graduation hadn't started yet, but they were all there, Kaiya kept her eyes trained on Sakura never letting her leave her sight.

"I'm itching to do it now." Karin said.

"Calm down Karin, not yet, when the ceremony is over we move okay?" Kaiya said.

"Fine, so the plan is absolute right?" Karin asked.

"Of course, we get her alone, we stab her, throw her in the get away car, then we dump her body, nothing could go wrong." Kaiya said.

Although she seemed confident her two stooges were both scared to death. They were about to commit murder.

All of the graduates took their seats outside, they were on their football field, the bleachers were filled with parents and loved ones, some holding up signs. Eren spotted his Mom a mile away and didn't fail to notice the two faces beside her.

It was Zeke and his Mom Dinah. He could care less about them but something in his chest was wrenching that his father wasn't there.

Little did Eren or anyone know his father had been dead for months after facing Magath.

Eren's eyes looked all around the other graduates trying to find where they sat, he saw Sakura who was a few seats in front due to their last names being close in alphabetical order. He looked to the front and Saw Mikasa. She was definitely going to be one of the first called.

Sitting behind the podium, were 10 special graduates, the valedictorian being Armin, the Salutatorian being Shikamaru.

Even with having a baby, Armin still managed to have good grades. He still managed to pull through with everything. Which motivated Eren. Yeah him and Mikasa are young but they can do this, just like Armin and Annie can, and Sakura and Sasuke.

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