Chapter 27

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This chapter about to be long asl😭

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This chapter about to be long asl😭

Third person pov:

4 days later.

The group of friends had all joined together on Saturday morning starting their day off right going to grab breakfast together. Eren offered to drive Sasha and Sakura to the meeting spot and once they got there, they'd ride with their boyfriends and he'll get Mikasa.

Around Eren, Sakura would always grow embarrassed whenever he teased her about the massive hickeys everyone saw the other day. He even called Sasuke a vampire that must've been fasting for him to leave her neck in such a way.

When their Aunt Carla saw the huge pleasure marks on her niece neck she was so concerned she had half a mind to have Sakura examined, she also thought it was another allergic reaction but when Sakura revealed to her what the marks were and where they came from she nearly sent her Aunt to another recovery room because her heart couldn't take the information.

While in the backseat of Eren's car, Sakura desperately applied powder foundation to neck trying to cover the still visible spots on her neck, shoulder and chest.

Considering she was planning on wearing something that revealed those areas to the club tonight and also her cheerleading uniform showed some of her shoulder, she wanted them covered that way she doesn't attract people to stare and look how they have been doing all throughout the week which didn't help her anxiety at all.

"Hey watch how you do that! You're getting makeup on the seats!" Eren complained.

"Shut up, you can clean it later." Sakura said as she continued.

Eren hit his brakes slightly causing Sakura to jerk and drop her makeup and glare at him.

"Sasha smack him for me." Sakura said as Sasha obliged but Eren caught her hand staring at her.

"Nice try." He said as Sasha shrugged.

"I was only doing what told" Sasha said opening a bag of chips.

They came up to a red light where Eren came to a stop and grabbed the bag of chips out of Sasha's hands before she could dig in.

"Hey!" She exclaimed.

"No eating in my precious bebé" he said.

"Dude Im not going to dirty up your baby" Sasha said.

"Her name is Bebé, and yes you are, have you seen yoir clothes?!? I'm surprised your mom doesn't have an entire laundry room dedicated to you." He said.

"Well restaurant's never have enough napkins!"

"So you choose to wipe your hands on your clothes?!? What were you going to do when your hands got cheesy from these chips?" Eren asked.

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