Chapter 9

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Mikasa pov:

4 weeks later.

It had been an entire month of school, and after much preparation and hard work..we were finally at homecoming week, spirit week so to say. The first day was costume day, the second jersey day, the third, crazy sock day, the fourth gender swap day, and the fifth day was the big basketball game and Saturday night was the homecoming dance.

Now I have been to every dance so far, but this is the first time I have a date. Eren asked me like a week ago while we were out together, even had a poster and a box of special made chocolates and everything and of course I said yes.

Right aunt Kuchel, Mikoto and Eren's mom Carla had me dragged me and Sakura with them to different boutiques looking for dresses.. since our dates were Eren and Sasuke.

"Shouldn't you all be helping your son's look for tuxedo's rather than us with dresses?" I asked.

"Nonsense Mika, the boys will go out with Itachi and Levi" Mikoto said.

"But...why can't their dads do it?" I asked as Carla visibly tensed as well as Sakura beside me.

"Mikasa sweetheart, Eren's father is always away for work, he only comes home every blue moon, he never leaves I doubt he would to go tuxedo shopping with Eren..." Carla said sadly.

"Is everything okay Carla?" Kuchel asked.

"You can talk to us" Mikoto said.

"It's okay Auntie..let it out if you have to." Sakura said.

"Its just...we moved all the way from a new city for a new life, yet he's stuck in his old ways always thinking about work, yes I know he's the main source of income but all I ask is for one day as a family together...I know Eren sometimes resents his father but he wants nothing for me to be happy so Eren tries to get along but Grisha makes it's like he pushes us away..not to mention poor Sakura, she already feels so out of place..she always has, it's hard trying to uplift someone and tell them their wanted when the other person is never there to prove those points....I love my husband but I don't know much longer I can keep on with his blatant neglect." She said sniffling.

"Well you did say he had a first wife right? And another son?" Kuchel asked.

"Yes, long before we met, his first son was around 10 when we met, he said his first wife and him divorced because of the same thing..he said he would change..but maybe he just can't." She said.

"Well, hear me out Carla, there's only two reasons why a man works so much....he's either cheating..or he's not doing the job he claims to be...I don't want to put too much in your head about this but think about it..he's only come home super late or he's always working, I know he's a doctor but doctors come home...tell me..why did you really come to Konoha?" Mikoto said.

"Well...Sakura had just had an accident, Eren was getting into a lot of trouble fighting, People called me am unfit parent and everything, times were really rough back in Shiganshina, then out of nowhere Grisha said he got a promotion to work at a renowned hospital in Konoha and immediately I said yes to it..I was ready for a new start..but now I'm starting to did Grisha ever put down so much money for a house, plus he had already had it furnished and everything and from my recollection this is supposedly his first time in Konoha too. It's all so weird.." Carla said

"Talk to your husband dear, we'll even be there for you.." Kuchel said.

"Thank you...enough about that...we are on our way to get dresses thats what we'll get!" Carla said cheering up.

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